Discuss,Recall commercials that you have seen using scare tactics. How did these commercials affect you? Why do you think gain-framed messages are more effective? You may want to draw parallels to findings that positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment for changing most behaviors.

There is 2 assignment: 1 discussion paper and 1 Reflection Paper Write one page for the discussion First Discussion: Studies show that advertising campaigns using scare tactics are much less effective for initiating health behavior change than those using “gain framed messages”. For example, warning teenagers about the dangers of skin cancer from sunbathing or […]

Discuss what it means to be a good follower whether you agree with the statement and why or why not. Integrate examples of your own followership and discuss how your role supported the leader’s goals.

Paper details: Think of the often heard statement: “To be a good leader, you must first be a good follower.” Discuss (a) what it means to be a good follower, (b) whether you agree with the statement and (c) why or why not. Integrate examples of your own followership and discuss how your role supported […]

Discuss,How could an increased awareness of information processing, your learning style, and your attention and self-regulation strategies potentially affect your performance in your academic journey?

Metacognition is the ability to be aware of and regulate one’s thought processes, which may improve one’s ability to effectively process information. Consider the benefits of being more aware of your own learning needs and how it might affect both your personal and professional goals. In your initial post, discuss the following: How could an […]

Demonstrate an understanding of intelligence (IQ), multiple intelligences (MI), and emotional intelligence (EQ) by comparing and contrasting the differing constructs associated with each.

Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically. However, experts within the learning academic community have suggested broader definitions of intelligence (i.e., multiple and emotional intelligences). For this journal, complete the following: Demonstrate an understanding of intelligence (IQ), multiple intelligences (MI), […]

Compare and contrast behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning.

Compare and contrast behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning. Summarize at least two sub-theories or ideologies within each theory or learning framework. Example from behaviorism: associative learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, conditioning, extinction, and ratio or interval schedules Example from cognitivism: schema theory, memory development, elaboration theory (i.e., Bloom’s taxonomy), cognitive load […]

Identify careers, other than psychology, that might benefit from a foundational knowledge of biological psychology.

1. Identify careers, other than psychology, that might benefit from a foundational knowledge of biological psychology. 2. How can principles and theories of biological psychology be applied in professional practice in psychology and other professions? 3. Within a context of social and cultural differences, describe practical applications of biological psychology to understanding values that underlie […]

 What additional information would help make a case as to whether the behavior(s) should be considered “abnormal?” Under what conditions might some of these behaviors be considered “normal?” Are there instances where cultural differences might have an important role in your decision? 

Part II:  Consider the following situations in light of your readings this week. Would any of these behaviors be rightly considered “abnormal?” Read through each and post your thoughts on at least two of the scenarios below, ideally choosing DIFFERENT scenarios than your classmates. What additional information would help make a case as to whether the behavior(s) should be considered […]

What strategies will you use to facilitate school and postsecondary transitions for all students?

Apply developmentally appropriate approaches to college and career counseling while meeting with three of your high school students for individual planning. Listen carefully to your students and enter all relevant information on each Individual Transition and Planning Form. Be certain to fully complete the top Academic Planning portion of the form based on what you […]

What would be a few of the main, most salient physical complaints they may have?

Checklist for Care Plan AssignmentUse this checklist to help guide you as you work on the Care Plan assignment to ensure you have completed everything required of you.The first step is to choose any health issue (e.g. smoking, obesity, cardiovascular disease, ect). You will then write a SCRIPToImagine that an individual with the disorder/disease you […]