. What gives you PAUSE after reading the assigned articles? Why? Do you think that the academic world needs to catch up to the practitioner world? How? Why?

Description Probably, most of your BPSA program has relied on concepts relating to ICS and NIMS (in one way or another). What gives you PAUSE after reading the assigned articles? Why? Do you think that the academic world needs to catch up to the practitioner world? How? Why?

How do you think this will affect college and high school sports in the future?Discuss

The material this week showed us that college sports in America are more about business and less about providing meaningful experiences for student athletes. College teams are expected not just to win, but also to be financially viable. Unfortunately, this often means that less profitable sports end up on the chopping block when schools are […]

Discuss election 2020 regarding how states administer elections and the variabilities amongst them. And how the pandemic has made issues of access, equality, and efficiency of results vary. finally, as a comment add your thoughts about election 2020.

your prompt: Discuss election 2020 regarding how states administer elections and the variabilities amongst them. And how the pandemic has made issues of access, equality, and efficiency of results vary. finally, as a comment add your thoughts about election 2020.

Analyze your chosen incident, including descriptions of the reactions of community members, law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, and the media.

Description This is the other part to ID paper #4303641312 on Sept 23, 2020. I told you I would have you do the final so this is what is needed and you already have the other paper that you wrote for this. I will have to send you the graph with the info that I […]

Write about the current example of riot behaviors presently happening in the United States. What are some of the perceived social injustices that the riots are a reaction against?

Essay Three: Write about the current example of riot behaviors presently happening in the United States. What are some of the perceived social injustices that the riots are a reaction against?

What policy or programmatic recommendations might emerge from your evaluation?

Description RESEARCH PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS The Instructor must approve your research topic. Please submit your proposal in the Week 3 “Research Project Proposal”. The research paper comprises a public policy issue in local, state, or federal government. The paper must be 6–10 pages (not including title page, bibliography, and appendix) written analysis and must provide a […]

Should a sentencing judge consider whether a female offender has custody of her minor children at time of sentencing? Does motherhood ever work against a female offender?

Should a sentencing judge consider whether a female offender has custody of her minor children at time of sentencing? Does motherhood ever work against a female offender? Be specific.

Find an article in your local newspaper about a local policy issue that affects you. For example, an article concerning your county’s decision to privatize your trash collection service. Summarize the article and explain how this issue affects you. Is the article neutral? Why or why not? How might you influence this policy in the future?

Instructions Find an article in your local newspaper about a local policy issue that affects you. For example, an article concerning your county’s decision to privatize your trash collection service. Summarize the article and explain how this issue affects you. Is the article neutral? Why or why not? How might you influence this policy in […]

Discuss If you were called upon to make recommendations to Congress for exercising better oversight and stronger influence over the agencies, what would you suggest?

Description Students are expected to prepare 1 page concise written response to the question posed. Please use correct grammar and spelling. Also, use APA style for your references. Assignment Question # 6 (1 Page) Students are expected to prepare 1 page concise written response to the question posed. Congress appears to have ample constitutional authority […]