Discuss Are there public policies that could change? Are there resources that could be enlisted?

You have explored a community problem from the perspective of prevention. Now, you will consider this problem through the lens of advocacy. Are there public policies that could change? Are there resources that could be enlisted? As you address the community problem you have chosen to explore for your social change portfolio, consider how advocacy […]

Discuss the concept of “worthy and “unworthy” as related to the general public, availability of services, cost/benefits, etc. Who defines who is worthy or unworthy? What criteria have you identified to determine worthiness? For example, how do you know that a group is considered “worthy” or “unworthy?” (Social workers do not consider any human being “unworthy,” nonetheless we don’t meet the needs of groups of individuals. Given this, how are these groups considered “worthy?”)

Part A: Identifying and explaining social problems DUE 10/11/20 Identify a social problem. Explain the criteria you used to define this as a social problem—how do you know it is a social problem, not private issue. What are the values laden in the definition of this social problem? Using an ecological framework, offer explanations about […]

Summarize How the fear of communism or McCarthyism developed in the US McCarthy and his senate committee

Post-Project Assignment: McCarthyism “McCarthyism” was an era when the fear of communism dominated American society and government. The term emerged from the actions of US Senator Joseph McCarthy but it refers to a wide-range of activities from roughly 1950-1954. Write a 2,000-word paper about McCarthyism. Regarding writing mechanics, the paper must: Be well-organized and clearly […]

Write a three-to-five page executive brief to support the implementation of the research project.

Write a three-to-five page executive brief to support the implementation of the research project. This executive brief will summarize Steps# 1-3 into a few pages. For this executive brief, in addition to the summary of Steps# 1-3, you should also provide support and rational as to why this research should be supported and/or conducted.

Research and discuss a Social Justice€ issue you are aware of.its impact on stakeholders, and personal application as it pertains to you.

Research and discuss a Social Justice€ issue you are aware of. Please share your knowledge of the issue, its impact on stakeholders, and personal application as it pertains to you. Please include and utilize a healthy reference listing. (Cover page, APA format, etc.) My opinion is people of color don’t get the same opportunities as […]

How “self-confidence” could help an emergency manager with decision-making skills. How “integrity” could help an emergency manager build trust among colleagues. How “sociability” could help an emergency manager interact with other professionals, including subordinates, supervisors, and interagency roles. what traits do a person possess that would make them an effective emergency manager.

Identify and assess why the sample or population is vulnerable and how a researcher would protect their rights during the research process.

This unit has identified the importance of protecting vulnerable populations. Write an essay discussing some vulnerable populations in the fire service or emergency services who could serve as a sample or participants in a study. Identify and assess why the sample or population is vulnerable and how a researcher would protect their rights during the […]

What do you believe is the strongest influence on an individuals sexual orientation? Explain your reasoning.

1, Sexual orientation origins remain unknown according to social and biological researchers. What do you believe is the strongest influence on an individuals sexual orientation? Explain your reasoning. 2, Over the past half century public attitudes toward sexual orientation has become more tolerant. Provide an example of this social change and explain why you think […]

Discuss this case in view of the provisions of the 4th Amendment. Has a search occurred? Was her arrest Constitutional?

A female traveler paid for a plane ticket to Miami. When she checked in at the airport, the ticket agent took her luggage and placed it on a conveyor belt so it could be loaded onto the plane. As the luggage was travelling along the conveyor, it passed a narcotics agent whose dogs sniffs every […]

Discuss.What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work?

Question 1 – Generalist Practice and Voting (1/2 page) What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work? Question 2 – Underrepresentation in Voting (1/2 page) BLM’s #WhatMatters2020, at  “aims to vigorously engage underrepresented communities in the electoral process.” According to #WhatMatters2020, which groups are underrepresented in the […]