Discuss Can the racial disparities in drug enforcement be justified? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can be done to make arrest, conviction, and sentencing more equal between whites and blacks?

Can the racial disparities in drug enforcement be justified? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can be done to make arrest, conviction, and sentencing more equal between whites and blacks? Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Determine their probable impact on the company or its divisions as precisely as possible.

In this assessment you’ll develop an issue management plan for Tennis Australia and work on the Smoke issue from the recent Bushfires (2019-2020) Step 1–Monitoring Analyze the business environment. Scan and monitor what is being said, written and done by public, media, interest groups, government and other opinion leaders. What is being said on social […]

Describe the agency in terms of the current workforce structure, budget, and funding. How do they impact the culture of the agency? Consider how the agency’s culture impacts the programs offered by the agency.

Prepare your Organizational Change Project Proposal in the format best designed to articulate your recommendations: written report, PowerPoint using speaker notes, or Prezi or video recording with a transcript. The following critical elements represent the outline of the proposal you are tasked with creating. Your proposal will have three parts: I. Introduction, II. Workforce Structure, […]

Explain How did the situation come to be as it is? How long has it been occurring? What has been done up to the point of the interaction between the client system and social worker to manage the concerns/issues? What is the intensity of the concern/issue? What stressors are emerging as a result of the concern/issue or are contributing to the concern/issue? What intrapersonal, interpersonal, and/or contextual factors and forces are impacting the situation?

1. Identifying Information Client system demographics (i.e. race, age, gender, work environment (if applicable), living environment, location of residence, etc.) 2. Presenting Concerns/Issues What is the concern/issue identified for the focus of the interaction between the client system and social worker? How does the client system perceive his/her situation/concerns? What does the situation mean to […]

Explain where you think, in your home, you use the most energy. Be sure to let us know what state or country you live in! Estimate how much energy this item/machine/process uses. (Yes, you will need to do some research.) How much more energy does this item/machine/process use versus other items/machines/processes in your home.

Module 7 Discussion: Most Home Energy Use: Explain where you think, in your home, you use the most energy. Be sure to let us know what state or country you live in! Estimate how much energy this item/machine/process uses. (Yes, you will need to do some research.) How much more energy does this item/machine/process use […]

Research, analyze and evaluate an issue topic relative to Terrorism: Foundational Concepts.

Research, analyze and evaluate an issue topic relative to Terrorism: Foundational Concepts. The focus of the assessment should be centered on the implications and ramifications for a given National and International Security topic. Should be at least 6-8 FULL pages. Keep in mind that the cover page, abstract, and reference page does not count towards […]

What does your agreement with them entail?What is the change strategy?How does employee engagement fit in?

The Portfolio Paper The portfolio paper covers the array of topics discussed and presented in the course, and is due Saturday (Day 6) of Unit 7. You are the CEO of a large name-brand (feel free to assume any brand you like – Sandals, Marriott, etc.) resort in Mexico. The global recession and economy have […]

What is the best way for parents to communicate with their kids about risky behaviors, such as taking drugs?

Write a blog 200 words long discussing the role of parents as role nodels. Discussion Questions: Parents: How Much Do They Influence You? 1. Do parents influence whether or not teens use drugs? 2. What is the best way for parents to communicate with their kids about risky behaviors, such as taking drugs? 3. How […]