What is your opinion on the growing trend to state preferred pronouns (she/he/her/him) and the use of non-binary pronouns (they/them/their) ?

Topic: Preferred Pronouns & Non-binary Pronouns Paper details: What is your opinion on the growing trend to state preferred pronouns (she/he/her/him) and the use of non-binary pronouns (they/them/their) ? Think about what you have heard, read, observed, or experienced that may be relevant to the topic. You can use any sources none were provided

Dscuss how streaming music platform is mostly used by society in these days and the evidence by doing a research data from the link that i gave you on words document format.

the industry that i have chosen is spotify. the essay included discuss how streaming music platform is mostly used by society in these days and the evidence by doing a research data from the link that i gave you on words document format. i have gave you the format and the instruction on words document.

Discuss your background, describe your professional goals, explain what you hope to gain from this course, and share what you enjoy doing in your free time.

dis 1 To begin this discussion, introduce yourself to your classmates and instructor. Briefly discuss your background, describe your professional goals, explain what you hope to gain from this course, and share what you enjoy doing in your free time. Then, to continue your initial post, respond to the following: The Commonwealth Fund’s report Cultural […]

What is “crime?”; Who are the “criminals” our system of justice processes?; and “What do we do in response to “crime” and “criminality”? It is designed to encourage students to recognize the value of thinking about the “problem of crime” and the “administration of justice” from a theoretical perspective and to think about this problem from both systemic and global perspectives.

Attached you will see an example of what it needs to look like. Cyber-Source Wiki Projects All students will participate in a project that will result in the construction of a series of Wiki sites that will include sources related to the material we are discussing throughout the semester. This project will enable students to […]

What are the main ways in which people of different races, genders and class are depicted on the news?

The News Analysis Essay is an examination of media messages, with a focus on the news.  We often get our information about current events on social media, watching/listening to the news, or by reading the news websites.  How does our media environment shape our attitudes? This essay will help us to look at this question. This essay is worth […]

Discuss. Is migration a more contentious issue in the contemporary era or just the continuing historical pattern of the movement of peoples?

Select one of the following themes and discuss how it has influenced the development of international relations, comparing the contemporary era to one other period in history: decolonisation; bipolarity; economic crises; international crime and terrorism. Identify the driving forces of decolonisation and how they explain perceptions of power between the colonised and the colonising. What, […]

What Are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research? Is There a Conflict Between the Research Ethics and the Nature of Nursing?

Read Chapter 3 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice. SOURCES: [YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE ALL] /2018/nursing-research_understanding-methods-for-best-practice_1e.php Review “The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses,” by the International Council of Nurses (2012), located on the ICN website. Read “Sampling Methods in Clinical Research: An Educational Review,” by Elfil and Negida, from Emergency […]

Research a current public policy in your state or local area, either recently enacted or under consideration. These Resources will help you begin your work. The list below provides examples of popular local and state public policy topics that may help you narrow your search: o affordable housing o care of the elderly or disabled o crime o homelessness o infrastructure o property taxes o school safety o zoning

03.02 Public Policy: Assessment Assessment Now that you are familiar with monitoring and analyzing public policy, it’s your turn. You will write a public policy analysis about a state issue that interests you. Steps 1. Research a current public policy in your state or local area, either recently enacted or under consideration. These Resources will […]