Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs.

Option 1: Glocalization Write a paper about “Glocalizing Public Relations.” Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs. In your paper, include the following information: A definition of the term “glocalization.” Your own interpretation of this term. Explain this term using […]

Conduct research and identify a recent public relations-related issue covered in PR news sources that could be considered an ethical dilemma.

Conduct research and identify a recent public relations-related issue covered in PR news sources that could be considered an ethical dilemma. Link to PR issue: In the attached document, type answers to the following questions in your own words. Introduction: Present the case context and the ethical dilemma in your own words. Advisement: You […]

Identify and evaluate the channels (be specific) that would be best to communicate with the publics involved. Consider both traditional media and digital/social media.

Conduct research and identify a recent PR campaign executed by an organization. Article Link: In the attached document, type answers to the following questions in your own words. Organization: Explain the organization that executed the PR. Issue: Explain the issue. Publics: Identify the publics involved. Action: Identify the action the campaign created/addressed. Channels: Identify […]

What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week-What did you actually accomplish on the project this week?

Use the Week 8 Status Report Template [DOCX] to complete this assignment. In Week 10, you will provide a detailed project presentation for your new information system project. Because of its importance to the organization, your presentation must be thoughtful and visually appealing. To help you stay on track for this three-week effort, the executives […]

How do these parts help the business managers-How do they help the individual contributors?

CIS 500 Week 7 Discussion Respond to the following: Read the article “Business Value Dashboard.” Then, find an organization that has adopted a real-time dashboard for internal use within the last three years. Do not repeat examples from the textbook or posted by other students. Respond to the following: What are the essential parts of […]

Discuss the decision-making process of the organization when addressing the issue.

Public Relations Practices For the final paper, you will be evaluating the public relations practices of an organization based on all of the chapters in the text and required resources in this course. Develop a paper that answers the following items based on an organization of your choice. You may pick any organization as long […]

How do 21st-century developments in the technologies, networks, and  methodologies that underpin OSINT affect state interests, power, and behavior?

Read the instructions Reading Essay 5: In 2-3 double-spaced pages, identify and discuss 1-2 implications of OSINT for international relations theories of war and peace. How do 21st-century developments in the technologies, networks, and  methodologies that underpin OSINT affect state interests, power, and behavior? Cite the readings for Class #5 to support your description and […]

Brief description of the population and its vulnerability and advocate for the rights of your selected population to: education, health, prevention, treatment, health care children, girls, mothers, elderly, etc.

Advocacy Statement Give a voice to a vulnerable population. Write a paper of 2000 words and minimum 5 references (max 2 of the references can be websites). Develop an advocacy statement, just as if you would testify at the United Nations  include a brief description of the population and its vulnerability and advocate for the […]

What did you learn from your topic that has raised additional questions in your mind-What did you learn that may take you down another path in this topic area?

Topic Research Report on each interview question by reviewing all respondents’ answers and grouping similar answers together. For example: All interviewees agreed that X is true, but I2 and I 5 also said Y.Ensure that all salient information is captured from each question. If an interview didn’t respond to the question, note that. Be clear […]

What do you think of the idea now being championed in some government units-of putting large data sets up for analysis by anyone (inside or outside the organization) and offering prizes for the best solution?

CASE STUDY QUESTIONS Do you think a geek squad could work in highly socially sensitive areas like policing or protective services for families and children? Why? Why not? ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS CASE STUDY What do you think of the idea now being championed in some government units-of putting large data sets up […]