Describe the theorist of your chosen personality theory, including their background.

Presentation: Personality Theories Scenario: Working as a psychology consultant at a local prison, you have been tasked with creating a presentation on personality theories to a case manager that helps identify personality traits of offenders in an effort to find programs and services for them. Create a 10-slide presentation with speaker notes. Add the following […]

Edit the “tool used”slide and for the tools used, you can look in `package.json` for each repo and see what was used.

Edit the “tool used “slide for bucket list project front-end: back-end : Task: Edit the “tool used”slide and for the tools used, you can look in `package.json` for each repo and see what was used.  

Differentiate between a virtual machine and a container and discuss how each of these things influences your approach to securing a cloud-based environment.

Final Assessment 2023   Q1. Differentiate between a virtual machine and a container and discuss how each of these things influences your approach to securing a cloud-based environment. (2.5 Marks) Q2. Briefly discuss how cloud security is impacted by the deployment model selected. (2.5 Marks) Q3. A Tech company need to build a new application platform […]

What you are planning on comparing and what analysis you will be doing to test your conditions.

Second assignment: (MileStone 3): Milestone 3. For this assignment, you will analyze the data you have for your project. If you have data you are analyzing, you will want to describe the process that you have gone through for cleaning your data. This can be combining data into one data frame, fixing typos, making new […]

Describe your approach to user help facilities for the task analysis design model and task analysis you performed as part of Problems 12.3, 12.4, and 12.5.

Software engineering project 12.2. Consider one of the following interactive applications (or an application assigned by your instructor): -A desktop publishing system -A computer-aided design system -An automated course registration system for a university -A library management system -An Internet-based polling booth for public elections -A home banking system Develop a user model, design model, […]

Do the Creating Nodes assignment and customize title, author, and code information. Share screenshots of code and results.

Working with XML, Schema and Nodes Do the Creating an XML Document in Visual Studio exercise in Chapter 19. Show code and the schema you created in screenshots. Use the Loop Through XML Document exercise in Chapter 19 to create an application that loops through nodes. Share a screenshot of the code and the output. […]

Calculate the total earnings and total expenses (2 decimal places and appropriate sign)

Excel charts and graphs with numbers Using your previously created Budget workbook, use as many functions you can to calculate the statistics described. Guidelines / Requirements: Following criteria is minimum, but you should be creative and use as much topics as you learned in this section. For the Budget and Actuals, calculate average and total […]

Briefly describe the main ideas/statements of the paper and do not forget to add your own thoughts and comments.

Write a 300 words reflection for each required reading. Briefly describe the main ideas/statements of the paper and do not forget to add your own thoughts and comments.  

Write a summary (between 1,500-2,500 words that describes the technology and how it can be used, its implications, and issues related to either information.

Module 12 – Mini Presentation Communicating Research QUESTION The objective of this assignment is to challenge you to effectively communicate the state of scholarly literature and research for a specific cybersecurity topic orally and in The topic in question is: Blockchain technology in the context of information security Write a summary (between 1,500-2,500 words that […]

What are the Halo Effect and the Horn Effect-How do they affect our interpretation of things?

Part one 1.Suppose you have two datasets with the following summary statistics: Dataset A: mean = 10, variance = 25 Dataset B: mean = 15, variance = 36 Which dataset has more variability, and why? Show your calculations. Calculate the sample variance of the following data: 5, 8, 10, 12, 15. Show your work and […]