Complete the Routed Events exercise in Chapter 14 to work with events.

Manipulating Properties Using Visual Studio 2015 In Chapter 14, use the Add Controls to a Window exercise to add buttons to an interface using the design tool and XAML. Book is attached Then go to the Manipulating Properties exercise and apply changes. Complete the Routed Events exercise in Chapter 14 to work with events. Provide […]

Provide an expanded explain on of one of the speakers talking points.

PPOL 220. Introduc0on to Civic Technology Point I. (30 points) Provide an expanded explana2on of one of the speakers talking points. This should be about four to five sentences long and provide an adequate degree of technical detail. Focus on an important point, rather than personal background or banter. Point II. (30 points) Provide an […]

How did it come into existence, and who was leading its development-How long has it been in use?

 Introduction to Civic Technology   Profile Paper  This assignment is intended to provide you with an expanded understanding of the civic technology movement in its diverse manifestations. During the semester, you will write three (3) profile papers, each of about 3-3.5 pages in length. You will choose one of the options below for each of the […]

What kind of output is desirable if many readers will be reading, storing, and reviewing output over a period of years?

Evaluated on both technical correctness and adherence to professional communication standards. Answer the following review questions from the textbook: Chapter 11 Review Questions 1, 2, 4, and 7 (page 328) Chapter 12 Review Questions 1, 3, 6, and 7 (pages 356-357) Your answers should be written in a professional manner (as if you were preparing […]

When the price for the gaming mouse is set to $100, what are the corresponding projected profits?

Coding Lab 8 Individual Lab 8 Instructions a. Build the model for profit model for gaming mouse in R. b. Answer questions 1-16 to the Rmd model. Model A manufacturer of wireless gaming mouse is preparing to set the price on a new model. Demand (D) is thought to depend on the price (P) and […]

Compare and contrast what the student expected to learn from the experience, and how reality differed from that expectation.

Question Students will be required to interview someone who has been an international immigrant at some point in their lives. The purpose of the interview should be to learn more about the immigrant’s feelings and lived experience. As a first suggestion, consider interviewing someone you know: Think first about your parents, grandparents or other relatives […]

What is Smart Agent Technology and how does it use Machine learning and AI?

MachinL-md2 Module 2 DQ 1 Read the brief reading on Occam’s Razor and answer the following questions: What is Occam’s razor? Why is it vital in Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence? What can happen if you do not follow Occam’s Razon while solving a complex problem? Module 2 DQ 2 Read the Brighterion white paper, […]

Discuss how these positions influence your experiences within 2 of the social institutions we have covered in class.

Question For this paper you will reflect on the interrelationship between your location in the social structure and your experiences with social institutions. Additionally, you will consider how these interrelationships matter for your future. Choose 2 positions that you hold within the social structure (ex: race/ethnicity, social class, gender, religion, etc.) and discuss how these […]