Discuss How elements in our Universe got concentrated enough through time to produce our solar system and us. Include a reference to the “soup” analogy in the video.

-The origin of our Universe (The Big Bang). Include how cosmic background radiation (“microwave background”) is evidence of the Big Bang. -The process involved in fusing elements in all stars. Include the death of a large-mass star called a “supernova” -How elements in our Universe got concentrated enough through time to produce our solar system […]

What do you consider to be the 3 most important forensics tools currently being used? Also discuss the most important features of each of these tools.

Discuss 3 advantages and/or disadvantages of using forensic tools during an investigation? You may discuss any combination of advantages and disadvantages, but you must discuss 3. Why is this an advantage/disadvantage? What is 1 example of a way in which an investigation can be corrupted by not using computer forensics tools? How would this affect […]

Demonstrate your understanding of Core Principle 2 for Information Security through effective writing about the three security goals of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

Objective: Demonstrate your understanding of Core Principle 2 for Information Security through effective writing about the three security goals of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Describe fully and provide specific examples of how a business can apply Principle 2 in order to achieve the goals below. Outline the risks of failure to achieve each of these […]

Explain why it is difficult to know the true size of the computer security problem in general and of computer crime in particular. List the takeaways in this question, explain the meaning of each and the policies in place to mitigate them.

Q10-2: How big is the computer security problem? Explain why it is difficult to know the true size of the computer security problem in general and of computer crime in particular. List the takeaways in this question, explain the meaning of each and the policies in place to mitigate them. Describe a Distributed Denial of […]

Discuss how and why companies should keep up with the rapid rate of change in technology.

In a forum with your classmates, discuss how and why companies should keep up with the rapid rate of change in technology. On the Discussion Forum, post a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s); include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson: Given the rapid change in both information technology and […]

What strategic advantages can a business attain from utilizing mobile technology? Provide an example of how a large “big-box” retailer, such as Best Buy or Lowe’s, would gain more financial advantages from using mobile technology.

What strategic advantages can a business attain from utilizing mobile technology? Provide an example of how a large “big-box” retailer, such as Best Buy or Lowe’s, would gain more financial advantages from using mobile technology. Discuss the steps a “big box” retailer might take to align its information technology systems with its strategic plan. Why […]

Describe the geography of the area:When did this occur? Is it ongoing?

Discuss the problem, being sure to include: Some background. Describe the geography of the area. Some history. When did this occur? Is it ongoing? Some background. Be sure to define any terms that are particular to your problem (like eutrophication) Some chemistry. What chemicals are involved? Include molecular formulas, reactions, and equations if applicable. Some […]