Identify the type of multi-level system that you are in at your site and provide your plan to implement your recommended implications for social work practice gathered from your research at your field internship placement.

Instructions Select (one) topic from a list of options below: Perinatal Loss and Attachment Theory Foster Care System and Infant Toddler Development Adverse Childhood Experiences and Childhood Development Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescence Substance Use in Adolescence Sexuality in Early Adulthood Occupational Transitions in Middle Adulthood The Sandwich Generation Sexuality in Late Adulthood Death and Dying: […]

Write a critical thinking essay discussing your time as an intern at a homeless shelter(JERICHO PROJECT ) include the challenges faced during your internship.

Topic: social welfare policy analysis Imagine the place you do your internship is JERICHO PROJECT and it is nationally-acclaimed nonprofit ending homelessness at its roots by enabling homeless individuals and families to attain quality housing, employment, and mental and physical health services. so basically you intern at a homeless shelter. pls, google for more because […]

What type of mental health services does the juvenile court system have in the area you live in-Provide a 1-2 page summary

COR 205 ASSIGNMENT 7 Read through the sections on mental health and juveniles, complete research on the juvenile court system in your state, or where you live. What type of mental health services does the juvenile court system have in the area you live in? Provide a 1-2 page summary

Why did Roosevelt add a Second New Deal, and how did it differ from the First New Deal?

History What was the New Deal? What were the accomplishments and criticism of Roosevelt’s First New Deal? Why did Roosevelt add a Second New Deal, and how did it differ from the First New Deal? From the information in Chapter 25, how (if all) did the New Deal programs affect African Americans, Native Americans, immigrants, […]

Is self-management beneficial to positive health outcomes in diabetes prevention or management?

Diabetes care in Chronic Care Model This assessment will enhance student’s understanding of diabetes as a chronic illness, the role of policy and models of care in chronic and complex illness, and the role of the Diabetes Educator in chronic disease prevention and management. Answering 2 key questions: 1. Is the term self-management a misnomer […]

Discussion of two reasons for effective communication skills in social work practice

Professional commutations Task 1: Professional discussion (2.1 – 2.3) You will need to work in small groups for this part of the assessment. Each group will be given a case study. In your groups you will need to prepare a professional discussion which will take place with your lecturer. This discussion must include: • How […]

What was the purpose and focus of your contact/intervention at this point? Support family with financial side, housing, respite break to give the family a break, get Emma to school, comply with medical advice. 

Reflective writing Account of the incident – Reflection What happened, where and when; who was involved? Emma is a young girl who has complex health needs. She was born prematurely and has been diagnosed with a kidney failure. She isn’t allowed to have anything orally as it causes her to aspirate; meaning anything she eats […]

Explain this quote -why language is important to achieve social justice.

Social justice “The revolt against brutality begins with a revolt against the language that hides that brutality.” Explain this quote and why language is important to achieve social justice. In your own words, describe the “savior complex” and describe why you need to resist, How can transformative justice help create social change?

What makes congressional oversight necessary-Why should Congress be the branch of government that has such oversight?

Law and Ethics in Intelligence INTL305 Short Essay/Written Assignment 1 – Week 3 Instructions: Answer each of the following in approximately 200 words each. Answer directly on this page below each question. When you are finished, upload the file under the Assignments link. 1. The Patriot Act (Title II, Sec. 213) allows for the delayed […]