Explain the major issues relating to the development of Western imperialism in China in the nineteenth century

This should treat some important issue in China’s relations with the world during the late imperial period 1500-1900 1. Identify and describe trends of early China’s contact with the outside world2. Explain the major issues relating to the development of Western imperialism in China in the nineteenth century3. Compare and assess various debates and interpretations […]

How will climate change impact global economics and politics-Who are the winners and losers of climate change?

Climate change How will climate change impact global economics and politics? Who are the winners and losers of climate change? Most importantly, will climate change be the cause of the restructure of hegemonic and non-hegemonic states? About 3 citations per paragraph. Each paragraph should be an approach to answering your question for the point of […]

How-why do interpretivists and positivists differ in their choice of research method?

How and why do interpretivists and positivists differ in their choice of research method? Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment: Answering the question/relevance Using the vocabulary from the course in your writing Describing and explaining issues and theoretical concepts related to the question and based on course content Structuring your ideas and the […]

Demonstrate the following knowledge-understanding Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors.

Global Public Health 1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors. 2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities effectively make interpretations about trends in global public health issues from reliable sources of […]

Do you advocate for or against publicly funded scientific research in the United States? Specifically, should we fund scientific research with federal funds?

The Case for or Against Public Science Do you advocate for or against publicly funded scientific research in the United States? Specifically, should we fund scientific research with federal funds? Why or why not? Describe and defend/support your stance.

What years, time periods, or in what ‘eras’be specific and define the temporal period you are discussing.

Climate change impact on global economics and politics(2) • This first paragraph should tell me and your reader, more broadly, why you have chosen your topic. You are basically answering the reader’s, and for the love of God my, skepticism about your topic, with a general, explanatory paragraph about why this topic is important, who […]

How do you see the individualism that is central to the American mainstream as being specifically in conflict with these definitions of diversity?

Diversity in Every say Discourse Address the following: How do you see the individualism that is central to the American mainstream as being specifically in conflict with these definitions of diversity? Choose one of the five race groups and explain the past and present cultural views and stigmas regarding mental health. In addition, what positive […]

What happens when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination?

Organizational Challenge 1.Two research questions are: What training or materials covered the legal definition of sexual harassment & discrimination? What happens when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination? 2. The 1st attachment are the instructions that you will need to follow. 3. The 2nd attachment is my annotated bibliography. Make sure […]

What does the cookbook tell us about people living in particular period of time?

Italian cookbook history Describe what kinds of information can be learned from Italian cookbooks throughout history. What does the cookbook tell us about people living in particular period of time? What does it tell us about the author of the cookbook ? Choose 2-3 examples of historical Italian cookbooks and compare and contrast them.  

write a one to two-page journal entry about that current cultural offering.

Unit 1 Journal In Unit 1 you have been introduced to prehistoric and early civilizations and their art, architecture, literature, and religion. Find a current cultural offering such as a movie, book, virtual exhibition of art or artifacts, or news article about recent discoveries related to the theme of this unit and write a one […]