Identify the range of sources of evidence that inform social work practice.Explain the application of different forms of evidence in best practice.

A1: Identify the range of sources of evidence that inform social work practice. C1: Explain the application of different forms of evidence in best practice D1: Reflect on how evidence can inform the learner’s own professional development and practice

Create and develop your own Linked In social media profile that demonstrates your personal and professional skills, qualities and attributes that are relevant to the industry.

Create and develop your own Linked In social media profile that demonstrates your personal and professional skills, qualities and attributes that are relevant to the industry. Your profile should include the standards of professional linked in profiles (see below) as well as creative and amplified content (such as articles, videos, images, stories) that are engaging […]

Explore law and policy relevant to this situation. How would you apply this? Discuss what social work skills and knowledge would be needed?

Description Explore law and policy relevant to this situation. How would you apply this? Discuss what social work skills and knowledge would be needed? What theoretical perspectives would inform social work practice?

Explain the history of gangs and gang membership.Describe the importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs.

Conduct an analysis of a gang of your choosing This analysis should be 4-6 pages long with APA citations.  This assignment aligns with course outcomes: Please base it off of HELLS Angels. Explain the history of gangs and gang membership. Describe the importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs. Connect the concept of […]

Which regions of the world are most at risk due to the number of nations possessing nuclear weapons?Analyze

Step 1: Create a map of the world showing which nations currently have nuclear weapons in their arsenals and which are trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Be careful to delineate which nations are signatories to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and which are not. Step 2: Analyze the map to better understand global current events and […]

Examine the legal and policy context of the case and the principal values and issues that you had to consider. Provide examples of the theories and methods that you used and evaluate these. Reflect critically upon the effectiveness of your interventions in the case’.

Description Assignment title CASE ANALYSIS Summative assessment ‘Provide a brief overview of a case from your practice; examine the legal and policy context of the case and the principal values and issues that you had to consider. Provide examples of the theories and methods that you used and evaluate these. Reflect critically upon the effectiveness […]