How effective are the techniques of Forensic Victimology and Investigative Profiling on law enforcement response to this type of predatory crime?

How effective are the techniques of Forensic Victimology and Investigative Profiling on law enforcement response to this type of predatory crime?   And finally, to what extent does Tolbert’s model of the Sex Crime Scenario advance the ecological approach created by Cohen and Felson?

What provoked Cartwright to believe that this could be conceived of as an illness? And for what reasons would it have resonated with readers at that time?

• What was the dominant logic that defined “deviance” and “social control” in America during this time? • What provoked Cartwright to believe that this could be conceived of as an illness? And for what reasons would it have resonated with readers at that time? • What systems of power appear to have shaped these […]

What provoked the design of the first American penitentiaries? And for what reasons were jails becoming obsolete.

• What was the dominant logic that defined “deviance” and “social control” in America during this time? • What provoked the design of the first American penitentiaries? And for what reasons were jails becoming obsolete. • What systems of power appear to have shaped these standards? What institutions appear to have policed them?

Discuss Knife crime in the UK:how the criminal justice system is attempting to deal with the issue.

Introduction: The current state of Knife crime in the UK. Mention what your going to include in the Essay 👇🏼 1. Discuss Knife crime in the UK 2. How does the differential association theory explain knife crime. 3. how the criminal justice system is attempting to deal with the issue. (Very important part ⚠️⚠️⚠️)

Discuss how are disorders such as autism and bipolar-ism depicted in tv shows like “The Good Doctor”, “Homeland” and how has it helped/hurt the perception of the disorders.

how are disorders such as autism and bipolar-ism depicted in tv shows like “The Good Doctor”, “Homeland” and how has it helped/hurt the perception of the disorders. While media is fiction and does not always get it right, , media helped or hurt perceptions about mental illness because brought mental illness into light , educated […]

What is the difference between scientific and non-scientific knowledge? How are you able to determine if what you heard was scientific or non-scientific knowledge? Did the information that you read, saw, or heard convince you of the argument?

There is a difference between scientific and non-scientific knowledge. You will need to watch, listen, or read the news from whatever source you choose (TV, internet, radio). Pay attention to the conversation or what you are reading and focus on when the article, commentators, or guests use statistics or facts in their argument. Is what […]

What are the effects of colonization and imperialism on indigenous cultures in Canada?

Research Paper (Sources provided) What are the effects of colonization and imperialism on indigenous cultures in Canada? A comparative essay that addresses this question by comparing Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s “Decolonizing the Mind” with a secondary source on the effects of colonization on indigenous cultures in Canada.

What social group is the ad intended for? What social groups are represented in the advertisement?

1. What social group is the ad intended for? What social groups are represented in the advertisement? 2. Does the advertisement reinforce or violate social norms? Explain. 3. In addition to the product or service, what is the ad selling? Think about the time of day the commercial is running and on what channel. If […]