How does your school system provide special education services to students?

Special Education Service Models Special education professionals provide services to students in many ways, depending on the school system’s approach to special education and student needs. In your post, answer all the following questions: How does your school system provide special education services to students? Which model does your school system mainly use? What strengths […]

What considerations come into play when you harden Web servers?

Discussion Question – Discuss ONE of the Following Topics: What is vendor diversity and why would a company employ this concept? Where are the benefits? Some administrators want to monitor 100% of the transmission activity on their system. Is this possible and why would this be done? Is it overkill? DNS used to be an […]

What is Systems Theory in the healthcare sector in your own words and use your own example to explain Systems Theory.

Watch the video “Inpatient Medical: Successful Outcome Using TeamSTEPPS Techniques” found at and describe when and how the practice characteristic was exhibited and who exhibited it.(must be 500 words or more) 2.What is Systems Theory in the healthcare sector in your own words and use your own example to explain Systems Theory. (200-300 words) […]

What are your thoughts on the 48 hours video of Claudia Hoering?

A Local Case of Extradition in Youngstown area : Claudia Hoering makes a National T.V. 48 Hours episode This chapter talks about criminal cases being “cleared.” One way a case can be cleared is when the offender can not be processed through the CJ System. Here is the full video you should watch on the […]

Explain how American Indians experienced Adversity, Survival Adaptation and Occasional Prosperity on a Micro, Meso and Macro level. After completing both reading assignments, you are to report how the American Indians experienced the cycle of adversity, survival, adaptation, and prosperity. You are to format the assignment as shown below. Select different examples from the article to make your points based off of this weeks National Geographic reading assignment. The article can […]

What might you accomplish in exploring this problem?

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a strong, working foundation for your final paper. You will identify a topic area and develop a problem- or issue-related topic within that area of interest. As you develop this specific topic, keep in mind that your eventual goal is to formulate and present a solution to […]

What was the topic of Cornel West’s “Democracy Matters”

Research & Summaries Democracy Matters Read the summary of Democracy Matters by Cornel West external site. 1) What is democracy? 2) Why does democracy matter? 3) How does democracy affect your daily lives? 4) What was the topic of Cornel West’s “Democracy Matters” 5) Do we have a democracy within the United States?  

What are the different non-deposit sources of funds for banks?

 Assignment Questions Which act/s in the US Banking Sector supports the lifeline banking service? Explain the different services that are covered under Lifeline Banking for low income people. What are the different non-deposit sources of funds for banks? Explain the risks for the banks especially associated with non-deposit sources of funds. What is the difference […]

Show the work of the derivation and state what rules are used.

Problem 3. (12 points) (a) Distribute the quantifiers for the statement 3x (P(x)V -.Q(x)) so that all the quantifiers occur immediately before the predicates or the negation symbol. If distribution is not possible, briefly explain why. (b) Determine whether the two statements 3x(P(x) —> Q(x)) and 3xP(x) 3rQ(x) are equivalent. Explain. Problem 4. (10 points) […]