Describe the magnetic polarity reversals that have taken place on Earth in the last four million

The Dynamic Ocean Floor List and explain the lines of evidence that sup­port the theory of plate tectonics. Locate and describe the mid-ocean ridge system and deep-ocean trenches. Describe the relation between earthquakes and plate boundaries. Describe the magnetic polarity reversals that have taken place on Earth in the last four million Determine the rate […]

Refer to chapter 8 of your textbook explain the common forms of collaborative arrangements used in technological innovation with at least two examples of each form.

Read the course material thoroughly, understand the concepts and then proceed with this assignment. ‘Collaboration can include partnering with suppliers, customers, competitors, complementors, organizations that offer similar products in different markets, organizations that offer different products in similar markets, non-profit organizations, government organizations, universities, or others. Collaboration can also be used for many different purposes, […]

What should be recommended to Kathleen as the next steps based on these results?

Kathleen is a 49-year-old woman who recently had breast cancer. She previously had a lumpectomy and completed chemotherapy. She is currently in remission and beginning to feel stronger, so she wants to begin an exercise program. She heard that exercise could improve her prognosis. The rest of her health is very good. Based on her […]

Should Paul perform moderate or vigorous exercise? Why?

Paul is a 66-year-old, recently retired man who averaged 60-hour work weeks over 30 years in a sedentary desk job. Despite his lack of physical activity he is generally healthy. Now that he has more free time he wants to begin an exercise program. He goes to a fitness facility and inquires about membership options. […]

Should she get medical clearance before beginning? Why or why not?

Hillary is a 63-year-old woman who comes to a community recreation center to begin exercising. She is very interested in a beginning yoga class but would also like to try some of the cardio equipment. She meets with an exercise physiologist for an orientation session that also includes a preparticipation health screening using the ACSM […]

What do you call the difference between what you say and what you do?

Organizations today understand the vital importance of technology that supports the effective and efficient collaboration of a global and cross-cultural workforce. Companies are moving toward organizational designs where the workforce is centered on project-based teams. Organizational leaders are focused on ensuring that the technology available in the workplace supports team collaboration and the workspace. You […]

What Object-Oriented programming language is essential to effectively build UI (layouts) in Android Studio? Explain

Info Tech and Mobile Application Discuss why mobile application development is considered unique in comparison to other development. Discuss what an “Activity” is and why its understanding is important in designing UIs for Android. What Object-Oriented programming language is essential to effectively build UI (layouts) in Android Studio? Explain What Object-Oriented programming language is essential […]

What disadvantages do you perceive with File Modules to automate Linux common management tasks?

Both Linux, like UNIX and Microsoft Windows operating system, is POSIX compliant EAL-4+ certified. Both have every file owned by a user and a group user. Most of the time in Linux, read, write and execute access is controlled solely on if you are the owner, a member of the owner group, or neither (aka […]

How might the difference described in question 2A underlie the results described in question 2B? 

You are a graduate student aiming to develop new antibiotics, small organic molecules that bind to and prevent the activity of proteins involved in processes essential for cell survival or cell division. The data below was generated after an experiment, where you added a new antibiotic candidate (“drug”) to cultures of bacteria (prokaryotic cells) or […]