Do you think that we should begin large scale mining of manganese nodules from the seafloor for use in batteries? Why or why not.

Deep sea mining show we begin large scale mining of manganese nodules from the seafloor Deep sea mining could provide materials to help us quit fossil fuels but at a cost. Do you think that we should begin large scale mining of manganese nodules from the seafloor for use in batteries? Why or why not. […]

What was your favorite line from this piece? Why?

Peer review Choose essays with the fewest number of posts to respond to. That way, you will help ensure everyone gets feedback. What works well in this single story discussion and personal narrative? Give the writer a compliment! 1.Summarize the single story that this writer was addressing in his/her essay. 2.Comment on how the writer […]

What aspect of their lives might you be most interested in that could be impacted by their kinship structures?

Section 1 (400 Words): Describe your initial reactions to Fadiman’s or Namu and Mathieu’s narrative. What are your thoughts thus far? What has surprised you? What has challenged you? Refer to specific examples from the text. Section 2 (400 Words): Apply the anthropological and ethnographic materials you have read from Miller, additional texts, and lectures […]

Which of the three follower-centric theories makes sense to you for explaining why we have the leaders we do?

A lot is going on in the halls of politics these days that might or might not look like leadership to you. As positionality goes, the members of Congress, the executive branch, and the Supreme Court are considered leaders of and for our country. 1. Political leadership is not the same, nor does it require […]

How could daily stories about cases be interpreted by different groups of people?

Reflection about an overview of mass communications and media in society Chapter 1 gives an overview of mass communications and media in society. For this reflection, let’s tie in the current situation with COVID-19. How are you getting information on a daily basis? Has this changed in 2022 compared to 2020? What types of media […]

What is one standard that you would use to choose a strong interpretation when multiple interpretations are available?

Read through Aviya Kushner’s chapter from her book The Grammar of God. In the chapter, Kushner writes about translation and commentary as forms of interpretation, as well as describing the habit of interpretation she gained from her family and Jewish community’s ways of study. Write a brief reflective post (between 1 paragraph and 1 page) […]