Describe your interest in the program, your past work in your proposed or allied fields of study, including non course education experiences, teaching or other relevant employment, publications, theses, research in progress, other scholarly activities, and your plans for graduate study and a professional career. Lastly, discuss the degree to which your background experiences and […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Describe some of the generation’s basic characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, and values, especially as they relate to your topic.
Step 1: Research the characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, and values of a generational cohort at least one generation away from your age group: Post-Millennial, Millennial, Generation X, Boomer, Silent Generation, Greatest Generation. Determine the generation and provide a summary of what defines the cohort (e.g., people born before 19XX). Step 2: Describe some of the generation’s […]
What is the difference between a scientific journal and other types of periodicals (magazines, newspapers, news websites)?
The purpose of this activity is to help you identify and evaluate the many sources of information about geology. First, think about how you evaluate different sources of information in your daily life, and what differentiates scientific journals from other sources of information. Second, pick a geology topic you are interested in and find a […]
What types of supports can be provided to help the student meet their transition goals?
Clinical Field Experience B: Transition As students transition into high school, they will also begin considering and planning what they want to do after high school . This process is specifically outlined by IDEA for students receiving special education services in public schools. Students need to be involved in the development of their own transition […]
Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.
Clinical Field Experience: Connection Across the Curriculum, Curricular Goals, and Community Following your observation, outside of classroom hours, review your notes on the lesson plan and discuss the following with the teacher you observed. Add any pertinent information to your notes, such as: What is the teacher’s pre planning process? How do they ensure their […]
What are some important disadvantages or limitations of out sourcing for restaurants?
Explain the meaning of the phrase “Hours versus ours.” What advantages are there when restaurants outsource? What are some important disadvantages or limitations of out sourcing for restaurants? Do you consider restaurant outsourcing to be dishonest? Unethical? Explain. Does restaurant outsourcing increase capacity? Explain.
Explain how you will differentiate the learning activity to meet each students’ individual needs.
Aligned Learning Activities and Differentiation: work sheet needs to be done. Aligning learning objectives to instruction is an important element of the planning process. Additionally, there will be a diverse population of students to be considered in this process. Differentiating instruction means instructing diverse students in different ways to increase their likelihood of success. For […]
Define the skills, education, and experience a person would need to obtain an entry level position in the industry perhaps a front desk employee.
First, do some reflection on your career goals and choose a job/career goal, defining your ideal position within the hospitality industry. The essay will focus on describing and explaining the necessary skills and knowledge required or preferred for advancement in the field, from an entry level position to that goal position in management (preferably to […]
Explain the term availability and perform simple calculations.
Reliability 1 Define reliability 2 Perform simple reliability computations. 3 Explain the term availability and perform simple calculations.
What are some of the competitive advantages of concurrent engineering?
What are some of the factors that cause organizations to redesign their products or services? Contrast applied research with basic research. What is CAD? Describe some of the ways a product designer can use it. Name some of the main advantages and disadvantages of standardization. What is modular design? What are its main advantages and […]