How old is the child you observed-What experience(s) did you observe?

Reflection – The Child Using your notes from the Providing a Creative Experience worksheet, identify the child’s stage of creative development; is it Basic Exploration, Non-representative, or Representative? Answer the questions in the forum below. How old is the child you observed? What experience(s) did you observe? How was the child using the materials? At […]

Identify how an individual’s patterns of learning and development, interests, and cultural and linguistic factors affect decisions leading to placement.

Conduct research and locate a minimum of five scholarly journal articles regarding the benefits and challenges of self-contained, inclusion, and resource room placement settings for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities. Your research articles should also encompass the effects of these placement options on both individuals with mild to moderate disabilities and individuals without exceptionalities. […]

Why is understanding a child’s developmental milestones so important, especially communication, social, and emotional development?

One of the measurements that can be used to determine a child’s developmental progression is to compare the child to the typical developmental milestones. Some examples of developmental milestones are when an infant first sits up, crawls, and walks. There are also developmental milestones for communication, emotional, and social development. The Centers for Disease Control […]

Construct a cause-and-effect diagram for Southview Clinic.

Southview Clinic Case Study Consider you have just been hired by Southview Clinic to provide consultative services. For this assignment, read and analyze the attached case study. Write a 1-2 page analysis of the case study following the template below. Construct a cause-and-effect diagram for Southview Clinic. Remember, the main problem in need of a […]

Do you think if Froebel, the “Father of Kindergarten”, were alive, he would be disappointed or happy about how children learn today?

When you think of “kindergarten” do you think of it as a garden of children? In 1837 German educator Friedrich Froebel developed and tested new educational methods and philosophies based on the structure, activity, and learning of young children. In 1840 he founded a Play and Activity Institute which he later named Kindergarten reflecting his […]

Discuss one thing from each of the videos that support the concept that we need to focus on the family as a unit instead of focusing on the child in isolation.

In this discussion, we focus on T. Berry Brazelton, who was, until his death in 2018 at the age of 99, a towering figure in pediatrics and child development whose significant contribution was to our understanding and appreciation of newborns. In 1973, he developed the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS), which is still widely used […]

What is an example of how you could use your knowledge of the importance of play in your work with young children?

Before starting your Journal for Unit 1, you need to read the assignment document and also familiarize yourself with Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky and learn a bit about their theories. While the theorists differed on a number of things they shared a belief about the importance of play. For this first Journal entry, you […]

Why do you think the controls you selected as ineffective, were ineffective?

First, think of an incident of business fraud or scandal in the news, or choose one that has been mentioned in your reading. Research the scandal, paying close attention to how it was possible for whatever went wrong to happen. Were there controls in place that should have prevented the scandal or fraud from happening? […]