What is return and risk of the portfolio-discuss which portfolio performs better during the back testing period, the benchmark-your portfolio?

Financial Investment 1. In the second part, choose minimum of 5 ETFs or index funds. Justify your selection, apply the same analysis and rationale as above. But you are limited to trade only ETFs and index funds in this part. 2. In the third part, choose at least 1 option contract. The option can be […]

Explain how an organization’s human resources can contribute to the competitive advantage-fulfillment of the mission.

Walmart The paper will be on Walmart. These are the ULO’s: Explain the connection between work center supervisors and the HR Department. Explain how an organization’s human resources can contribute to the competitive advantage and fulfillment of the mission. List three potential barriers organizations encounter in their attempts to change in their use of human […]

What are the differences and similarities between your own cultural background-African American cultural background?

Parenting in African American culture African American culture is rich, diverse, and dynamic. Select one aspect of family functioning (parenting, home-school connection, marital stability, sibling relationships, etc.) and research the literature (3-5 studies) on how African American families fair in this area of functioning. In a 4-5 page paper, summarize your research findings, and explain […]

What three hypotheses have been formulated to explain the relationship between the police unions-the police subculture?

Week 7 Review In terms of financial management, how did the economic crash of 2007 affect the relationship of states with their local units of government? Why is it argued that law enforcement agencies should not receive any portion of the assets that are forfeited as the result of their investigative actions? What were the […]

Why is it that the budget process for some police departments attracts more attention-is more political than is the case with other departments within the city government?

Week 7 Critical Thinking What steps can a chief take to impact the “code of silence” in their agency? Why is it that the budget process for some police departments attracts more attention and is more political than is the case with other departments within the city government?

What role does the Board of Directors play in strategic management-What are some common problems found in board management?

Strategic Management Exam What is strategy? What is a core competency? What is a capability? How do these produce a competitive advantage for a firm? How do vision and mission statements differ in purpose and content? Explain in detail the Five Forces Model of Michael Porter. Explain in detail the five generic business-level strategies including […]

Do you believe that this law is adequate-offers sufficient protections for employees and for employers? Why-why not-What could be changed about this law to improve it?

Section 1: Pick an employment law/legal statute from any of the chapters in your textbook (this includes chapters that we have not yet covered). Clearly identify the employment law that you have chosen and describe its’ provisions in your own words (i.e. do not just copy and paste from your textbook). Section 2: Explain why […]

How do they compare with the U.S-How could it benefit those countries if they worked together-with the U.S.?

Choose 2 space-capable nations (besides the U.S., Russia, or China) and discuss the major accomplishments of their space programs. For the purposes of this Essay, we will define space-capable as those countries that have built and successfully launched at least one satellite into orbit. How do they compare with the U.S.? How could it benefit […]

What similarities-differences do you see between white feminists-feminists of color? What other factors divided-united feminists in the 1970s? 

Analyze the intersections of race and class in the feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s and the changing views of women’s work. No single feminist voice arose in the 1960s and 1970s. Rather, a multiplicity of voices arose, varying by ideology, race, class, and sexual orientation. These variations can be seen particularly well in […]