What are the applications of superconductor that world is directly benefited from?

Superconductors In this project you have to do research about superconductors. During this project you will search online material about superconductor for finding the answers to the following questions, 1. What is the superconductor and when it was discovered? 2. What are the advantages of the superconductors? 3. What are the applications of superconductor that […]

What are the expected values for the two capacity options? (do the calculations for each option). After you completed the calculations, update the decision tree to present your results.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems 1.Determine the two capacity options that Mr. House is considering (clearly describe each capacity option and identify the fixed cost and the variable cost for each scenario). 2. Calculate the indifference point for the two capacity options. 3. Calculate the break-even point 4. Draw the decision tree for the capacity decision 5. If […]

Discuss the top three change management activities which would have to occur if you were (or are) implementing this project.

Project Management 1. Your Key Learnings – what insight or perspective did you gain from this project? Was your selection of the project (standard fast-food restaurant) a factor in greatly aiding additional learning compared to the team project learnings? 2. How and why did you select elements (pre-build WBS, etc.) for each deliverable package each […]

What languages-investigative-analytic skills have you learned that will be required to carry out your research plans-how did you attain them?

Part I. Explain the origin of your interest in your research project, including such aspects as your biography, personal and professional experiences, and academic pursuits. While this may not be an aspect that you will be asked to address in a research proposal, your explanation may help workshop participants give you constructive suggestions to clarify […]

Describe the science-assumptions needed to understand/use the topic-How has it contributed to the discipline of archaeology?

Ethnoarchaeology Give your paper a creative and informative title.Write 2,000-2,500 words (in paragraphs) on the topic addressing the following points as applicable. You must discuss a site where your method was used What is the topic? Is it a method or a theory? What is the history of the topic? When was it first introduced […]

What are the ramifications of ignoring fire prevention and education?

Assignment 8 FSMT188 Week Eight Assignment: For this assignment, write a 1000 Word APA 7th edition formatted paper using our weekly readings, America Burning, America Burning Revisited, America at Risk, the internet as well as professional journals, articles and other academically recognized sources on the following topic: Address the historical progression of the fire problem […]

How does the work of art affect your impression of the story? (further reasoning will be provided if need) & Are the impressions each creates different? (further reasoning will be provided if needed)

One idea two mediums – Focus on how the two versions of the idea convey an important meaning of the story. Each body paragraph should answer the following prompts (total of 3 body paragraphs) – How does the work of art affect your impression of the story? (further reasoning will be provided if need) & […]

Could you design a sample database for the kind of company you would like to work at?-Would you like to keep track of your favorite sports stats?

DATA MODELING Take inspiration from your life and interests to come up with an idea for a database.  Is there a group you belong to that could use a database?  Could you design a sample database for the kind of company you would like to work at?  Would you like to keep track of your […]

What solution to the issue are the Democrats proposing-What solution to the issue are the Republicans proposing? Fully describe each parties’ solution and support your description with cited evidence.

Debt Ceiling Question : The Federal Government faces a shutdown of all but essential services this Friday if a solution to the issue of raising the debt ceiling or some other budget solution is reached. In your paper, address the following: What is the debt ceiling and what is the current issue with the debt […]