What influence do classical and medieval political philosophy continue to have in the 21st Century and what significant intellectual debts do our intellectual political and cultural life owe to them.

Classical political philosophy What influence do classical and medieval political philosophy continue to have in the 21st Century and what significant intellectual debts do our intellectual political and cultural life owe to them.

What types of activities or problems require divergent thinking-What activities or problems require convergent thinking?

Reading Response Chapter 1 Ensure that your submission is at least 2 pages long and provides a clear indication that the entire chapter was read. Choose from below for the chapter questions section: What types of activities or problems require divergent thinking? What activities or problems require convergent thinking? How would you explain the “creative […]

What role does Rhetoric play in the 21st Century.Discuss

Here you will tie everything together from the semester to answer the following question: What role does Rhetoric play in the 21st Century. Rhetoric and writing have changed so much since the time of Plato. Writing and Rhetoric have even drastically changed in the last few years. Rhetoric itself has been defined in so many […]

Discuss on how war affects various parts of life in the 21st century and from the past.

Write a paper reflecting on how war affects various parts of life in the 21st century and from the past. When talking about the past focus on the conquering of the Aztecs in the 16th century and how war affected their society. When talking about the present (21st Century) talk about a couple global issues […]

Discuss a specific moment in the text that connects to current events (anything in the 21st century).

Topic: Galileo Paper details: – Discuss a specific moment in the text that connects to current events (anything in the 21st century). OR: – Discuss a specific moment in the text that connects to some other text / work of art / musical work / historical event.

Discuss a specific moment in the text that connects to current events (anything in the 21st century).

1. Post a video or audio response to one of the following prompts: – Discuss a specific moment in the text that connects to current events (anything in the 21st century). OR: – Discuss a specific moment in the text that connects to some other text / work of art / musical work / historical […]

How is the family defined in the 21st Century? Discuss how each of the three sociological theories explain marriage and family.

Politics and the Economy are tightly intertwined. Discuss the difference between the concepts of authority and legitimate violence. List and discuss the sources of authority identified by Max Weber. In your opinion, which one is most effective and why? How is the family defined in the 21st Century? Discuss how each of the three sociological […]