Discuss the competencies and experiences that you are most interested in across ALL FOUR1 career path options.

IO Career Path Options Part 1: Explore the SIOP Website Career Center and four different I-O career path options (https://www.siop.org/Career-Center/I-O-Career-Paths), including the settings they work, and the key competencies needed to succeed. Consulting Academia Government Industry Part 2: In a well-written discussion post address the following: – Discuss the competencies and experiences that you are […]

What extent does English as a global language have a positive impact on contemporary global society?

To what extent does English as a global language have a positive impact on contemporary global society? (Discuss using topics such as: language and cultural diversity; identity, academia; global communications; and access to education, to show the advantages, disadvantages and tensions associated with the status and use of English around the world.