What is its maximum acceleration after picking up four passengers and their luggage, adding an additional 400 kg of mass?

II A compact car has a maximum acceleration of 4.0 m/s2 when it carries only the driver and has a total mass of 1200 kg. What is its maximum acceleration after picking up four passengers and their luggage, adding an additional 400 kg of mass?  

Calculate the time taken to cover the 0.5m. haved worked the acceleration out to be 21cms^2.

Physics question urgently A car accelerates uniformly from rest and travels a distance of 60m in 6s. Calculate the acceleration of the car. Using a=2s/t^2 I get 3.3ms^2 A trolley accelerates down a slope. Two photo cells spaced 0.5m apart measure the velocities to be 20cms-1 and 50cms-1. Calculate the time taken to cover the […]

Describe the moving object. Also, briefly explain if the motion is uniform (constant velocity), constant acceleration, or something else. Each component may be different, so make sure to address both

Lab 2: Motion in 2D Name make/convert video: video analysis/graphs: measurement/overall: In this lab, you will investigate the motion of an object that is moving in a plane, but not in a straight line. Create a short video of an object moving in two dimensions. You will need at least 30 frames of the object […]

Discuss Using logger pro to analyze a video.4.graphs for position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time.

using logger pro to analyze a video.4. Create separate graphs for position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time. For each of these graphs, there should be the x-component and the y-component on the same set of axes. Put appropriate best-fits all 6 graphs. Chat

Discuss Using logger pro to analyze a video.4.Discuss position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time.

Paper details: using logger pro to analyze a video.4. Create separate graphs for position vs. time, velocity position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time. vs. time, and acceleration vs. time. For each of these graphs, there should be the x-component and the y-component on the same set of axes. Put appropriate best-fits […]