Describe some of the common characteristics and needs of students with communication disorders and autism spectrum disorders.

Describe some of the common characteristics and needs of students with communication disorders and autism spectrum disorders. Outline some instructional and environmental modifications, accommodations, and adjustments that could be implemented within a school to meet the needs of these students.

Explains the instructional implications of special education categories.

Page 3 : the instructional implications of special education categories. Explains the instructional implications of special education categories. Include the following types of information and links on this page: · Roles and skill sets of special education teachers · Essential factors that contribute to a positive learning environment · Common techniques and approaches used in […]

Describes patient information necessary to individually manage the disease process and live successfully with the disease.

Disease Journal for Renal Disease 1.Identifies the disease process under discussion. 2.Lists possible complications or worsening of disease process. 3.Lists potential life interferences or accommodations. 4.Describes patient information necessary to individually manage the disease process and live successfully with the disease. 5.Lists potential medication(s) and medication needs for the disease process  

Explain how you might have handled the situation if you were a manager or leader in the organization.

Reflections on Employment Law Violations 3-paragraph explanation of your selected employment law example that includes a workplace violation. In your explanation, do the following: Identify any additional insight you gained into the area of employment law involved in the violation that you chose. Explain how you might have handled the situation if you were a […]

Explain your instructional choices including how your lesson extends the skills taught in the “Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan” for Marcus and why the lesson is appropriate for meeting Marcus’ academic goal.

Modifying a Lesson Plan Take a moment to review the details of this assignment below and gather any necessary files. Once you&x27;re ready to submit your assignment, move on to Step 2. Assessment Description An essential part of being a special educator is writing and implementing IEPs and lesson plans associated with goals on IEPs. […]

What is the role of the faculty member in assisting a dyslexic student with accommodation?

What modalities of learning would a Student with Dyslexia need to have to be successful in a nursing program? What is the role of the faculty member in assisting a dyslexic student with accommodation? If a faculty member had dyslexia, what accommodations should an institution provide?

What specific accommodations would you put in place to ensure people of all abilities could fully participate?

How do you feel about events specifically designed for individuals with special needs (such as special needs proms, Caring Santa, etc.?). Write a 250 – 500 word description of a fully inclusive event that you would like to host. It could be a party, a carnival, a festival or any other event you can think […]