What policies or procedures, if any, should CBU develop to avoid such problems in the future?

Inventory Situation Case Study On January 1, CBU installed a new computer system for tracking and calculating inventory costs. On December 31, at years-end closing, CBU’s system reported inventory at $4.5 million for financial statement purposes. At midnight, the auditors performed a physical inventory count and found the inventory total to be $3.5 million. To […]

Identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages of any two for profit business structures which an accountant may encounter

Identify who are the decision makers referred to in the above definition and explain their need for accounting information. ( your answer should concentrate on a large company listed on the stock exchange). ( 12 marks ) b.Accounting has been partly described above as ‘…a system of recording information about a business……’Identify and explain the […]

What is the main aim of the article?

Question 3 As a recently hired Management Accountant, you have been asked to write a report on the following article provided by your senior manager: Lapsley, I. and Rekers, J.V., 2017. The relevance of strategic management accounting to popular culture: The world of West End Musicals. Management Accounting Research, 35, pp.47–55. Your senior manager is currently […]

Who is responsible for the preparation and integrity of the financial statements?What is the name of the independent public accountant (auditor)?

Locate the management report(s) and the independent auditor’s report(s).Answer the following questions​. Page(s)a) Who is responsible for the preparation and integrity of the financial statements?b) What is the name of the independent public accountant (auditor)?(Note: There are two independent auditor’s reports: (1) a report on internal control, and(2) a report on the financial statements. The […]

Describe Business Law for Accountants

• Find out an accounting professional’s perspective of the importance of an understanding of business law to his or her professional work. (make sure to include where this accounting professional works or type of accountant) • In the questions as the interviewer discuss some of the core academic concepts of Business Law.Essay • Write a […]