Explain the difference between the straight line, double declining balance and the unit-of-production depreciation methods. Document the method used for each of the three companies.

Company Overview Provide a brief overview of the three companies (at least two pages). What industry is it in? What are its main products or services? Who are its competitors? Where is the company located? Ratio Analysis Calculate the current ratio, quick ratio, gross profit percentage, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and asset turnover ratios […]

What about the incentive system employed by Wells Fargo resulted in massive creation of fake accounts by the retail operation? And why did it only get worse from there?

This week we look at the principle-agent problem and what went wrong at Wells Fargo. On March 28, 2019, Tim Sloan, the CEO of Wells Fargo, who was supposed to restore the bank’s reputation, stepped down. After a very poor showing by Sloan in testimony about the bank before Congress and with long-standing restrictions by […]

Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures.

Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures. What accounts for the fact that the masses mobilized to support these movements? Elaborate.

How is the statement of retained earnings prepared? What is the purpose of closing entries? What accounts are not affected by closing entries? Explain and provide examples

How is the statement of retained earnings prepared? What is the purpose of closing entries? What accounts are not affected by closing entries? Explain and provide examples.

When you first opened the accounts, what information did you have to share? Did you question why any of the personal information you provided was necessary? Were you required to accept any terms of service or agree to any privacy policies? Were you confident the businesses would safeguard your data? Are you now?

Think about the online accounts that you log into on a daily basis for work and pleasure. When you first opened the accounts, what information did you have to share? Did you question why any of the personal information you provided was necessary? Were you required to accept any terms of service or agree to […]