How is the program evaluated-What are some of the challenges that they encounter in making sure that their program is effective?.

Answer the questions 1. Define the characteristics of curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Describe the three different types of CBM and the purpose for using each type. 2. List three resources that can be used for setting up a plan for managing data collection and analysis in a classroom. 3. Explain how cultural background may play a […]

How has your view of transcultural nursing changed? In what ways will you approach the patients you care for differently?

How has your view of transcultural nursing changed? In what ways will you approach the patients you care for differently? What critical needs areas could you now mark as satisfactory or proficient? (critical needs areas include Culture, Acculturation, Cultural Awarenes, Cultural Competence, Cultural Imposition, Cultural Sensitivity, Discrimination, Diversity, Health Disparity, and Stereotyping) What critical needs […]