Discuss on hideous and mostly unpunished act, rape. With only a teensy fraction of convicted rapists ever spending time behind bars [sigh!]

Your fourth and final Response Paper concerns a hideous and mostly unpunished act, rape. With only a teensy fraction of convicted rapists ever spending time behind bars [sigh!], we need to address some of the underlying causes, such as how we are socializing our young males and their attitudes towards women and the LGBTQ community […]

Discuss the Indian Vaccination Act. Why was the Indian Vaccination Act passed? What were the Goals of the Act? Explain how the Act represents the Federal governments guardianship responsibilities? What relationship did the Act have with the policy of removal?

Paper details: For this weeks discussion board I would like you to discuss the Indian Vaccination Act. Why was the Indian Vaccination Act passed? What were the Goals of the Act? Explain how the Act represents the Federal governments guardianship responsibilities? What relationship did the Act have with the policy of removal?