Discuss Suppose that if he doesn’t finish it, he was never writing it in the first place, because there will never be any paper for him to have written. Consider Fred onFriday (when he still doesn’t know): is he writing the paper? Does he believe he is?Does he know he is? Is he exercising knowledge how?

setiya defends the thesis that ‘knowledge how explains the otherwise troubling possibility of knowledge in intentional action’. His argument is complex. To put it to the test, suppose Fred starts writing a philosophy paper on Wednesday and plans to complete it by the following Monday; but on Thursday he learns that he might be drafted […]

What will happen when your action is taken?How is it appealing?Explain

Speech format: 1) Attention –why does this topic matter? a. Attention getter –question, startling statement, or other method b. Central point –overall topic c. Preview course of action d. Why are you credible to talk about this? e. Why should the audience care? (a conclusion preview)2) Need –What is the problem exactly? a. Explain the […]