What value does the variance analysis provide to the organization-If you are the CFO, what questions would you ask-What is your primary concern with regard to the variance report?

Healthcare 8.2 Provide a mock variance analysis for a healthcare organization of your choice. This may be a real or hypothetical organization. Include the following information: Describe the components a 3-variance analysis for the organization. Explain each component. What value(s) can a healthcare administrator control for? What value does the variance analysis provide to the […]

How SuperVision is considered a new paradigm for successful schools and how you plan to use this approach to design an excellent system of teacher supervision-evaluation once in your leadership role?

The contemporary role of the building level administrator has evolved into one that is primarily instructional leadership. This means the principal must communicate a clear vision of instructional excellence, providing supervision to improve instruction through both the informal and formal processes of evaluation. Chapter 1 of your Glickman text describes two ineffective schools: Finnie Tyler […]

What leadership traits are important for someone wanting to go into public administration/economic development in your chosen community?

Public Administrator Generated Information On Economic Development Option 2 For Option 2, you will conduct an exhaustive review of pertinent public sector generated data to scrutinize indicators of economic development status for the chosen jurisdiction. Present the data in an audio embedded PowerPoint presentation. Use the following questions as a guide in writing and developing […]