What are possible effects of social expectations on the memory of older adults?

What are some examples of things that we normally forget? What are some examples of things that would be classified as abnormal if forgotten? What are the stereotypes about memory performance in older adults? What are possible effects of social expectations on the memory of older adults? What does the research suggest about each of […]

Explain how the change in patient status changes the approach to patient education.

Topic 4: Collaboration In Patient Education And Compliance With Older Adults Define the Art of Negotiation and explain how it applies to the field. Describe methods of effective patient education of the elderly. List some religious and cultural differences in beliefs about death and dying. Explain why it is important to discuss death and dying […]

Explain how protective factors at the level of the individual, family or school can promote resilience for children who experience adversity

When you have completed these online activities, you should be able to: ● discuss how children’s welfare and support for families is a responsibility shared byspecialist and universal services ● describe how psychological theories of resilience can inform and help plan andpromote children’s and young people’s welfare ● explain how protective factors at the level […]

Discuss three issues that the United States faces in terms of mental health care as related to health promotion and disease prevention.

Helping Adults Stay Healthy NOTE:Answer to question 7.Mental health care is lacking in almost every community in our country. Discuss three issues that the United States faces in terms of mental health care as related to health promotion and disease prevention. What challenges do you see in your own community?

Provide at least one peer review journal article in your response.

Discussion Identify a population or scope of practice in social work and note how technolgy can be utilized to bring about change (ex: Children and Youth, Criminial Justice System, Mental Health, Geretology, Emerging Adults, Substane Abuse). Provide at least one peer review journal article in your response.

Describe aspects of sampling that you would want to consider while acquiring participants for your study.

Project 1 Topic: Income and Happiness for Adults in the U.S. 1. Determine the plan’s background introduction. Include the following details: • The title of the plan • Select 3 relevant empirical and scholarly research studies for the plan. Write a summary of each individual article. Each summary should be about 150 to 250 words. […]

what the researchers might have done differently to improve their study

Depression and Its Effect on Adult Life Peer Reviewed: Depression as a Major Component of Public Health for Older Adults – PMC (nih.gov) After carefully reading the article, write a double-spaced summary of the article (make sure your paper is 1,100 – 1,400 words—use your word processing program’s “word count” function to confirm the number […]

What they see as differences between their generation and those they serve

Topic: ADMINISTRATIVE/LEADERSHIP role Select someone who works in a long-term care environment (preferably someone in an administrative or leadership role) and gather information about their work experience. Students are responsible for identifying their own subjects and contacting them as appropriate for this assignment. Specifically, the interview should cover, but not be limited to, the following […]

What factors would increase the children’s risk of developing PTSD? And what factors might act as a buffer against the development of PTSD?

Discuss the psychological impact of this tragic event on the surviving children. Include a discussion of what behavioral indicators and symptoms that you would be looking for to assess PTSD in these children. Keep in mind our discussion of how PTSD presents differently in children than in adults. If the surviving children were to undergo […]