Do you think that there should be more resources dedicated to helping self-represented people participate in the judicial process (short of appointing them an attorney)?

Topic: Introduction to courts- access to justice Our judicial system is known as an ‘adversarial’ one in most instances. There are two sides representing the interests of the state or plaintiff and the interests of the defendant. As you may imagine, the law is complex as is the process to access justice. This is why […]

What conflicts seem to be accompanied by cooperative styles?

Topic: conflict styles identify the following styles of conflict that you notice around you in a human service setting. Do the conflict styles vary from one person to another? What conflicts seem to spark more adversarial conflict styles? What conflicts seem to be accompanied by cooperative styles?  

Discuss the extent to which the adversarial system can be said to be a myth

Choose ONE of the following questions, to be answered in 1500 words Question A: “Discuss the extent to which the adversarial system can be said to be a myth”. In answering the question, you should draw on a range of aspects of the criminal justice system studied during the module. Question B: “Criminal justice is […]