What is the fundamental difference between “sustainable” and “resilient” architecture?

According to Phu Hoang, what is the fundamental difference between “sustainable” and “resilient” architecture? Which would you advocate for? Choose two contemporary architectural projects (of the last 10 years): one that you think exemplies “sustainablity” and one that exemplifies “resiliency.” Argue on behalf of one over the other using one of the readings as your […]

How do they incorporate the concepts of disease prevention and health promotion in their daily activities?

Interview paper HEARTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community nurse interview assignment: Given the continued requirement of social distancing and wearing masks, for this assignment you should find a nurse working in a community health setting that is agreeable to being interviewed via phone, or in person outside of their workplace using appropriate precautions. The goal of this […]

What human rights have been violated as they relate to the population you serve-What is your plan to advocate for social, economic, and/or environmental justice?

1. In 2-3 paragraphs, briefly describe what you learned from your field experience while working in a domestic violence safe house in the past week. 2. In 2-3 paragraphs, what feelings did you experience during the past week while completing field activities? Provide examples. 3. In 2-3 paragraphs, identify something that you would do differently […]

In your growth toward senior levels of leadership, begin to think about where and how you will be involved as an advocate or champion.

Davis Week 4 Discussion Week 4: Advocacy When we think of advocacy, many nurses think about how they advocate for their patients and/or families. Or you may think of situations where you advocate for a colleague, direct report, or team. Those are all legitimate aspects of advocacy and important for nurses. You’ve probably heard an […]

How should the company utilize outside resources and approaches to advocate for the business-influence the political process? [MBA-665-05]

Target Corporation – Recommendations Recommendations. This paper is just an overview of the following questions. Only needs to be 2 page of recommendations, but needs to be based on the first 3 modules that are attached. Just a brief overview of the following questions. Recommendations: Answer the following regarding Target Corporation. A. Business Project Teams: […]

What is your personal opinion on why Health Education should/should not be taught in schools-What concerns you most about teaching health education?

Assignment 3 – Health Education – Frequently Asked Questions Locate and read the New Jersey Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Standards / New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) and answer the following questions: 1. What is your personal opinion on why Health Education should/should not be taught in schools. What concerns you most about teaching […]

Do you think this is an adequate punishment for the attorney’s conduct-Do you think the court appropriately considered the mitigating factors?

Advocate Questions and Comments 1.The attorney discussed evidence and his own opinion regarding the client in the midst of the ongoing trial. Are attorneys ever allowed to comment on a case they are involved in? If so, under what circumstances is it permissible to do so and how much can one say? See Model Rule 3.6. What practical […]

How can you use this learning to inform your practice as the patient’s advocate to improve patient safety-uphold the principle of autonomy?

1 – Midwifery Based on what you have learned, reflect on why midwifery is listed as a separate entry on the NMC register and, what you as an adult nurse can learn from midwifery to enhance your understanding and care of ALL adult patients, not just those who may be pregnant. 2 – e-Learning for […]

Describe what you believe to be the drivers for each of the individual advocates.-What factors led the individuals to become advocates?

The Nurse as Advocate In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe the advocacy process. Whether nurses are advocating for their patients, health care, and/or policies that improve people’s lives, the advocacy processes have commonalities that transcend the subject of their advocacy. There are also differences, although these […]

Describe three major benefits of fake meat according to its manufacturers.To what extent do you agree that they are genuine advantages?

Cattle Ranchers Are Fighting Back Against Fake Meat By Jacob Bunge and Heather Haddon The Wall Street Journal Nov 27, 2019 Special Question 1. Describe three major benefits of fake meat according to its manufacturers. To what extent do you agree that they are genuine advantages? Special Question 2. Fake meat advocate criticizes cattle ranchers […]