Describe one health-related positive social change area or topic that is most important to you and how you are working to positively impact this area or topic.

Topic: Powerful Caring Leads to Social Change Module 02 Pre Assessment Address the following in your response: Describe one health-related positive social change area or topic that is most important to you and how you are working to positively impact this area or topic. Read the study Six Distinct Types of Social Change Agents. Explain […]

What is the Background? Present the data describing the issue/problem to be addressed by the policy change.

Policy Brief: National Health Issue The following link may be useful in your search for congressional policy initiatives. U.S. Federal Legislation: 1. What is the Issue? State the health issue/problem that the national policy change is designed to address. 2. What is the Background? Present the data describing the issue/problem to be addressed by […]

What are the Proposed Options-Discuss possible policy options to respond to the problem including a description of what others are doing in response to the problem

Heart Disease in Los Angeles County – Policy Brief What is the Issue? State the health issue/problem that the policy change is designed to address. What is the Background? Present the data describing the issue/problem to be addressed by the local policy change. Can include graphs, tables, figures, pictures, etc. What are the Proposed Options? […]