Explain how an employee might behave ethically, or unethically in that situation and how you would handle the situation.

Topic: Fundamentals of Accounting In order to complete this assignment, you will need to think of a company that you might start. This could be any company such as a consulting service, restaurant, or a new product. Be creative, fun, and inspiring. The paper will include the following sections: Introduction: Company Overview. Begin the paper […]

Do your biases match a particular cultural/political/religious group?

List at least one moral issue on which you have changed your thinking. What caused you to change your mind? Consider all of the relevant factors that may have led to the change: i.e. changes in experience, changes in emotion, changes in logic, changes in evidence, etc. You don’t have to answer all of the […]

What kind of an external environment does the organization operate in? How does it affect this organization?

Topic: Organizational Structure, Culture, and Change Case:Tony Hsieh at Zappos: Structure, Culture, and Change Process: Submit a 5-page analysis of the selected case, incorporating an identification of the main problem and its feasible solution based upon core theories and concepts learnt in class and the text, as described below. Follow the 5-step process of case […]

Identify the conflict in one and then provide an explanation of why you believe that to be the conflict in the second.

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, identify the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information from the conclusion. The aforementioned points do not need to be complete sentences–absolutely no quotations are permitted, but you must provide […]

How will the entrepreneur’s skills and traits evolve and develop as the Global airline develops its capacity again?

Task One Outline and critically evaluate the leadership style best suited to a global airline impacted by COVID-19 and the resultant lockdowns, travel bans and travel restrictions, the furloughing of staff and right-sizing of the enterprise. Critically evaluate how the appropriate leadership approach would assist in rebuilding the profitability and sustainability of the airline while […]