Write a 500-750 word essay that explains how African Americans have shaped either a community, a country, or an idea, and what status quo was created, perpetuated, or disrupted during the process.

Write a 500-750 word essay that explains how African Americans have shaped either a community, a country, or an idea, and what status quo was created, perpetuated, or disrupted during the process. Use any of these sources (5 total): AN INTRODUCTION TO AFROFUTURISM https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NwjCObi6yARAEcXIQNecUnCyzBYASRbS/view?usp=sharing https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/how-slavery-made-modern-world/

Analyze to what extent you think that the New Deal effectively ended the Great Depression and restored the economy

Hist405N The New Deal Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following (any program and/or act of the New Deal): Programs Acts Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) Public Works Administration (PWA) Civil Works Administration (CWA) Works Progress Administration (WPA) Farm Security Administration (FSA) Emergency Banking Relief Act Economy Act Agricultural Adjustment […]

Explain the long-term impact on Black Greek Life and its implications for future Big Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO).

Wrongs of Passages Wrongs of passage: Violence in historically African American Greek Groups. In 1-2 pages, read and summarize the excerpt from Wrongs of Passage. In your summary, explain the long-term impact on Black Greek Life and its implications for future Big Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO). Be sure to cite text-based answers from the readings […]

What are some of the ways the existing boundary disputes can be resolved?

African Studies Read and answer the questions Read Griffith’s (2015) chapter on “The Scramble for Africa: Inherited Political Boundaries.” and answer the following questions. How did present-day African boundaries evolve? What problems did the boundaries cause? What are some of the ways the existing boundary disputes can be resolved? What are the challenges? Use examples […]

Analyze the effectiveness of post delum policies by explaining if reconstruction succeeded or failed in areas of economics including the rebuilding of the Southern economy and improving the economic status of free demand, and politics-including the unification the North and south, restoring Southern loyalty to the union, and establishing political rights for African americans.

Unit 1.1 D. B: reconstruction Analyze the effectiveness of post delum policies by explaining if reconstruction succeeded or failed in areas of economics including the rebuilding of the Southern economy and improving the economic status of free demand, and politics-including the unification the North and south, restoring Southern loyalty to the union, and establishing political […]

What do you think would the benefits outweigh the costs?

Discussion Board 3: Refugee supports Watch the following video, Refugees want empowerment, not handoutsLinks to an external site., A TED Talk by Robert Hakiza. Mr. Hakiza is a refugee from Congo who is now an urban refugee researcher and co-founder of the Young African Refugees for Integral Development (YARID). The video is brief (approximately 6 […]

How did these Africans use European artistic and musical traditions as well as African ones?

Paper Topic: Write a one-to-two page paper (around 500 words) answering the following questions in the form of an essay: How did Africans enslaved in America create a hybrid Black American artistic and musical culture? How did these Africans use European artistic and musical traditions as well as African ones? Be as specific as you […]

What legislation and other protections have been put in place to insure that all individuals have equal chances of success?

TAP DB4 On page 532 your text states: “On average, African Americans score about 15 points lower than white Americans on standardized IQ tests. This difference equates to approximately one standard deviation.” Arthur Jensen published material that became very controversial. You will want to look over his material since this was the beginning of an […]

Write a minimum of 450 words on the link and PDF’s provided and on “The Keeper” and “Love Ouanga”

Analyze Films “The Keeper” and “Love Ouanga” based on African American Studies Write a minimum of 450 words on the link and PDF’s provided and on “The Keeper” and “Love Ouanga” (note that this will be checked for plagiarism.)Relate to African American Studies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87B3QvRYjf4