What steps can we use to end racism and division among communities and  cultures.

Complete the final discussion, which is to prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would explain to all of America why African American History should be taught in American schools. Explain why every American should known this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could help mend race […]

How did the growth of industry, rise of immigration, and political corruption impact the development of cities during the Gilded Age?

Questions assigned Chapter 16 & 18 from The American Yawp 1)How did the Gilded Age of the late 1800s led to greater economic, industrial productivity and technological innovation in America? Questions assigned 2) What were the common struggles and hardships of industrial workers, populists, African Americans, and women during the Gilded Age? Questions assigned 3)How […]

Could Lincoln’s approach have paved the way for a continuation of the political, social, and economic gains that African Americans had achieved during reconstruction?

1. In your opinion, where the Radical Republicans correct in their assumptions regarding the South, or could Lincoln’s approach have paved the way for a continuation of the political, social, and economic gains that African Americans had achieved during reconstruction?

Is the problem geographically isolated or is it prevalent all over the country?

What are the causes and consequences of the declining marriage rate? 1. Introduction and topic: The purpose of the introduction is to get the reader’s attention so you should provide some ‘shocking’ data that gets his or her attention. At the end of the introduction, you should provide your provisional topic provisional because you are […]

Which artist do you think represent the African American Experience?

Week Discussion 3 This week’s discussion prompt: Which artist do you think represent the African American Experience? After having watched the videos and read through all the websites, create a post that includes one artist that you think represents the African American experience? Try looking through a few museum websites as you think through who […]

Are African Americans at a disadvantage to receiving mental health treatment?

Mental health in the African American community in relation to other races. The purpose of this qualitative research and the use of case study is to understand mental illness in the African American community. It is to explore mental illness in this community for individuals at Governers State University. At this stage in the research, […]

discuss the sociological implications of the Brown decision

Mike Wallace’sinterview with Thurgood Marshallprovides rich insight into the politics of rights and equality in the mid-twentieth century. At the time, Marshall was the lead counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and had already won several cases in the Supreme Court breaking down the old Jim Crow laws even before the important 1954 decision […]

How does it influence how we think today about racial inequality?

part one Considering the anti-slavery/abolition movement and the importance of slavery in the pre-Civil War period, evaluate: the impact of the movement and the impact of slavery 1830-1860 Remember to write your answer in paragraph format, with introduction of your evaluation of the two issues (thesis), and conclusion summing up the thesis and evidence. Use […]