How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters?

Topic: Tsunami warning system 100-150 words. How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters? In answering this question, you may write about a particular tsunami, beginning from the warning (if any) to the aftermath. You may also propose a warning system. Remember to cite your sources and provide references.  

How the EU is trying to respond to the crisis-if you feel the European processes-institutions are useful tools to address the crisis.

European integration Europe is clearly at a crossroads at the moment. From Brexit to the rise of the radical right to the aftermath of the refugee crisis, European institutions and member states are struggling to reach consensus and continue to drive the project of integration forward. Choose one of these crises and show a) how […]

How did radio and movies allow propagandists and political leaders to reconstruct orderly and reassuring images of the world for ordinary people, even as high-culture artists, composers

Discussion Board #8: Between the Wars 1. How did radio and movies allow propagandists and political leaders to reconstruct orderly and reassuring images of the world for ordinary people, even as high-culture artists, composers, and writers continued to dismantle traditional cultural norms and express the anxiety and fear arising out of the First World War […]