How effective are the region’s governments in addressing their most pressing problems? Discuss.

Latin America essay ANSWER ANY ONE OF THE FOUR QUESTIONS USING EXAMPLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS WHERE NECESSARY. 1. Until the 1930s, Latin America had often been feudal and medieval in its thinking, but then education increased, literacy expanded, and radio and television brought new ideas to even the most isolated areas. To what extent have the […]

Why are certain industries such as agriculture, mining, construction, domestic work, and low skill manufacturing more prone to modern slavery?

Case Study 1 Read the chapter and answer the following questions. One page per question 1. Why are certain industries such as agriculture, mining, construction, domestic work, and low skill manufacturing more prone to modern slavery? (Pages 28-32) 2. Discuss how slavery can enter a supply chain, even when suppliers are monitored at the tier-one […]

Provide an outlook of the economic health of the industry-What type of profits are the companies earning?

Industry Analysis Assignments The research project is to collect, organize and interpret data on any U.S based industry of your choosing and provide a two full page (longer than 2 pages is fine) written summary plus title page. Industry selections should not be too broad (i.e., healthcare, agriculture, retail) to encompass an entire sector. The […]

How has technology changed on the farm over the past 100 years-Are there family owned tobacco farms today if not why not?

How has Agriculture Impacted the South over the past 100 years? Students will research a topic of their choice, culminating in an analytical essay or some other intellectual/creative exercise they’ve discussed with me. These should be around 5-7 pages of writing and should include several academic sources that provide information and interpretive insight on their […]

Write the condensed structural formula of a simple molecule with an ether, aldehyde, ketone, ester, or alcohol functional group for your peers to name (do not give away the answer!).

Initial Post Instructions The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only […]

Discuss,Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution?

Unit Plan Outline Central Focus Narrative: Big Idea 1: Large scale farming from Neolithic times Big Idea 2: Shelter construction concept from Neolithic era How would agriculture be today if Neolithic revolution never happened? Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution? Did the Neolithic era have […]

Compare and contrast two regions of the world where agriculture developed or spread to

Compare and contrast two regions of the world where agriculture developed or spread to. Be sure to mention the types of plants and animals that were adopted, the pace of change, the factors or conditions that may have led to the adoption of agriculture,and the impacts on social life, mobility, etc. Discuss why these similarities […]