Identify a company in the agrochemical industry that is involved in the conflict.Analyse company materials, as well as additional materials targeted at the company written by other stakeholders, e.g. NGOs or investors.

Potential conflicts : two arenas around neonic pesticides and land use or neonic pesticides and renewable energy / biomass production. 1,500 words academics essay Coursework Specification Guidance 1. Familiarise yourself with the materials around ‘The Business of Bees’ and the arena model. The focus should be on the critical analysis, i.e. make sure you understand […]

Identify a company in the agrochemical industry that is involved in the conflict. In the process you should analyse company materials, as well as additional materials targeted at the company written by other stakeholders, e.g. NGOs or investors.

Description Potential conflicts : two arenas around neonic pesticides and land use or neonic pesticides and renewable energy / biomass production. 1,500 words academics essay Coursework Specification Guidance 1. Familiarise yourself with the materials around ‘The Business of Bees’ and the arena model. The focus should be on the critical analysis, i.e. make sure you […]