What does agroecology and food sovereignty have to do with the environment right now, particularly given our broader contexts?

Food Sovereignty Cite at least five of the examples from the readings throughout your paper, and list what you’ve citated at the end (all APA format). SOME of the articles to be cited are, you don’t have to cite all of them just 5 examples from some of them: chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://www.uky.edu/~rsand1/china2017/library/LaDuke.pdf https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/agroecology-contribution-food-security chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://ilearn.sfsu.edu/ay2223/pluginfile.php/543417/mod_resource/content/2/Nepal%20Food%20Security.pdf https://tv.viacampesina.org/EXPLAINED-What-is-Food-Sovereignty?lang=en The questions […]

How is putting women center in our formulation for ending hunger and poverty best solve the problem of hunger-poverty?

How does the way that your textbook defines agroecology in Chapter 9 align with or contradict the videos below? How are the principles of the Green Revolution different from that of agroecology? How is putting women center in our formulation for ending hunger and poverty best solve the problem of hunger and poverty?