Discuss the degree of trust you have in the results based on the variability, uncertainty, and error in the testing.

Topic: Paper Airplane Project Part 2 In part 2 of the project, during Modules 6 and 7, you will build and flight test models of each of your chosen glider designs. Download and review the Paper Airplane Project Glider Design Testing Instructions (DOCX) Download Paper Airplane Project Glider Design Testing Instructions (DOCX)and Paper Airplane Project […]

Explain how the chosen function can be used in making good decisions.

Topic: Calculus minimum or maximum function Select either the minimum or maximum function. Identify a task – personal or professional – that could be modeled mathematically through your chosen function. Explain how the chosen function can be used in making good decisions. Tasks might be: Make the largest garden possible using a given amount of […]

If you were sitting next to a stranger on an airplane and they asked you to describe the field of State and Local Politics, what would you tell them? Why? Upon what would you base your reply?Discuss

If you were sitting next to a stranger on an airplane and they asked you to describe the field of State and Local Politics, what would you tell them? Why? Upon what would you base your reply?