Write an essay analyzing how this global company translates these words into actions on issues related to the environment.

International Paper Corporation believes that “ethical behavior and personal integrity are the core of our culture.” In 4-5 pages, write an essay analyzing how this global company translates these words into actions on issues related to the environment. When possible, use specific examples that relate to Alabama and the southeast United States. If the company […]

Explain why/how expanding Medicaid in Alabama is not the right way to improve the health disparity you chose and offer an alternative.

Opinion Piece (Op-Ed) Assignment Prompt: Write an opinion piece (op-ed) with a newspaper as the target. The topic is health disparities and Medicaid Expansion in Alabama. Your op-ed should be between 800 – 1000 words. This Op-Ed piece will be informed by the Michener book (Fragmented) and video lectures about health disparities, but you will […]

What did you know about the approach prior to this class?

Alabama’s Approach to Family Engagement In the Appendix of your textbook, Families & Educators Together, on page 126 there is the section titled, “State Approaches to Family Engagement.” One state approach that is highlighted is Alabama. 1. Do your research on Alabama’s approach that is mentioned on page 127. 2. Write a two-page report that […]

What is the supreme decision on abortions and what is the name of the case of prompted this decision?

Abortion Read the instructions clearly and respond pretending to be me Are you FOR or AGAINST Abortion? You were just elected as the state Senator for Alabama where the state supreme court banned abortion at any stage/term of pregnancy. Your argument should include but not be limited to: For Abortion: How does access to conception […]

What events in Nixon’s personal life influenced his willingness to become an activist? How did membership in the Brotherhood of SleepingCar Porters and the NAACP shape his views on community life and his activism? What specific roles did he play in those two organizations? What had Nixon done to address problems on Montgomery’s buses prior to the beginning of the bus boycott?Explain

Description E.D. Nixon was a leader in the black community in Montgomery, Alabama long before the bus boycott. What events in Nixon’s personal life influenced his willingness to become an activist? How did membership in the Brotherhood of SleepingCar Porters and the NAACP shape his views on community life and his activism? What specific roles […]

Identify the federal district in which you reside and the specific district, such as the Northern District of Alabama, the Middle District of Alabama, or the Southern District of Alabama.

In this unit, you are studying the judicial branch of government and the rules that apply to all cases that are filed with a court, such as jurisdiction and the justiciability doctrine. With these rules in mind, analyze the following fact patterns. Billy, a resident of Dallas, Texas, was having trouble paying his bills. Billy, […]