Briefly explain the facts, the reasoning and the outcome of the case(s) you have researched.

Advise Albert, Gloria and LAW whether they will be able to bring claims for judicial review to challenge the decisions made by LDC and, if so, the grounds of challenge they could rely on and the remedies they should seek. As part of your answer research at least one recent case (that is, a case […]

Describe how you would execute the 7 steps of behavioral therapy for Albert. Give an example for each step.

Case Study 2: Behavioral Therapy CASE STUDY DETAILS Albert is a 33-year-old single, Hispanic male who reports experiencing pervasively depressed mood following the dissolution of a six-month romantic relationship. Albert describes feeling overwhelmed with feelings of “emptiness” and is convinced that he will be “alone forever.” Although he has a high-paying job, he states he […]