How are the characteristics of progressive rock prevalent in this album? Identify specific elements in specific songs.

Music Question – Choose any rock album that ever reached 1 on the billboard chart. – Then write a 1-2 page essay summarizing the following: – Personnel. Who plays on the album? Which tracks? Do they solo and on which tunes? – The making of the album, how it came together, who led the recording […]

Discuss complete album/all songs. Specifically, mention African instruments (Kora, balafon, koni, atumpan etc.) if applicable to a song within the album.

Album review should have a thesis and include information about the album’s use of African “talking drums/drum speech” somewhere in paper. Use musical terms (see “music paper details” document). Discuss complete album/all songs. Specifically, mention African instruments (Kora, balafon, koni, atumpan etc.) if applicable to a song within the album. Include unique African musical terms […]