What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community-society?

2-2 Case Study Milestone One: Short Paper In this milestone, you will be reading Case Study 3 and writing a short paper based on the following prompt. You will be focusing on the addiction and its effects. Consider the following in your short paper: Case Study 3 Website https://web.archive.org/web/20190218031631/http://www.interventionsolutions.com/Case_Studies_3.asp Client information and presenting problem Identify […]

Identify the social media platform that best works for your population and state why

Alcohol in U.S society Post an outline of your social media campaign proposal paper. (The target population is single parents. The media platforms to use are Instagram and Tik Tok) The outline should shape how to would like to organize your paper in the most sensible way. I. Rationale for Selecting your population (The problem/issue […]

Identify the population that you are interested in researching and the social media platform you will use to target the population.

Bibliography Your Social Media Campaign project in this course requires you to research and describe the effects of alcohol on a selected population of interest and develop a social media campaign strategy to target this population. Identify the population that you are interested in researching and the social media platform you will use to target […]

Discuss drug and alcohol.Wdentify at least a couple of possible solutions to this problem and your reasons as to why these would be possible solutions.

Topic: drug and alcohol Paper details: Submit your Final PP Presentation. This project will give you the opportunity to learn more about a current social problem and to teach your classmates more about this social issue as well as possible solutions. You will choose a social problem from a chapter in your textbook. Present your […]

Explain what social learning theory is and explain Bandura social learning theory Explain the Biopsychosocial model (BPS) model.

Give history of alcohol Present current context of alcohol in the UK e.g is alcohol a legal drug? is it used by over 18? used for socialisation etc. Definition of alcohol and the prevalence of alcohol within society The second part of the essay should focus on two theories of addiction. Talk about the social […]

Explain any medications or current treatments available? What is the efficacy of the treatments?

History/ background of topic Statistics How do they affect the brain? Which neuro transmitters are impacted? How does alcohol affect the depressed individual? How does depression impact alcohol addiction? Explain any medications or current treatments available? What is the efficacy of the treatments? Highlight any additional thoughts the writer is left with regarding the topic.

Why do university students drink excessive alcohol?Discuss

This is an example only, but we have to produce something similar to this table below, regarding ( peers, parents, coaches) so, we have to choose some “quotes/themes” (not to many) and discuss them in Qualitative analysis section. If you want to see an original interview let me know. Kind regards. Why do university students […]