What is the fundamental contradiction of the United States founding discussed by Alexander in this excerpt?

Instructions: address and answer each question below. https://www.learningforjustice.org/sites/default/files/general/Slavery%20as%20a%20Form%20of%20Racialized%20Social%20Control.pdf Throughout history, the United States has been plagued by structures and mechanisms that promoted a racial caste system within the United States. Structures from Jim Crow to mass incarceration, have been revamped over time to meet the needs of the dominant social order of the time. Read […]

What, exactly, are creation myths-How were they preserved and what can they tell us about the people who passed them down to us? Why?

  1. Creation myths. Every early society that we have studied has provided an explanation of where they come from and why. But what, exactly, are creation myths? How were they preserved and what can they tell us about the people who passed them down to us? Why? 2. Religion and politics. We have seen […]

What approach would you recommend Levatich take in order to grow sales and increase the stock price?

Navigating through the New Global Landscape and Expanding Internationally Read cases, answer the questions listed below, and the going global questions from the attached articles. Use attached resources to support. Each section should be 2-3 paragraphs. 1-Case: Harley Davidson: Internationalization in the Trump Era -How does foreign policy affect business in general and international expansion […]