Define and explain what narratives are and why they are written how they can be powerful and effective means of accomplishing a purpose, to exhibit or express concepts or ideas, and of engaging an audience, particularly in ways that other types of texts cannot.

Using some of the narratives we have discussed as examples, define and explain what narratives are and why they are written how they can be powerful and effective means of accomplishing a purpose, to exhibit or express concepts or ideas, and of engaging an audience, particularly in ways that other types of texts cannot. For […]

How does Pawn characterize our obligations to each other, the role the past plays in the present, and/or the (in)ability for different cultures to co-exist?

First Alexie short story, What You Pawn Will Redeem Write essay at a High School AP English Class Level and answer the following prompts. Re-visit the first Alexie short story, What You Pawn Will Redeem. How does Alexie use this story to explore questions of history, property, justice, and/or cultural conflict? How does Pawn characterize […]