Is it even possible to redirect people’s intimate choices-Should we care? How might these seemingly personal/intimate choices influence other areas of social life with heavier economic and political consequences?

Discussion 5 Read the following article about how racial beliefs and algorithms influence the dating app world: “Redesign Dating Apps to Lessen Racial Bias, Study Recommends” (Cornell University, Computing and Information Science). Note how black men and women are ten times more likely to message whites than whites are to message blacks, and think about […]

How different are the implications of these trends for employee motivation-What about you-which type of technology motivates you to learn and develop?

We looked at three important trends in technology that involve the increasing use of automation, algorithms, and gamification in the workplace. How different are the implications of these trends for employee motivation? What about you-which type of technology motivates you to learn and develop?

What do you think the impact of this is on AI’s applicability to criminal justice-cyber forensics?

Read this coverage on Forbes of the role of AI in cyber forensics. (Links to an external site.) – What role do you think AI should play in cyber forensics? – Many AI and Machine Learning algorithms have been proven to be biased, what do you think the impact of this is on AI’s […]

What Concepts and Algorithms does it use-Give an introduction into Cypher-explain the most important cypher commands with examples.

Neo4j The paper needs to give an general introduction into neo4j When should someone consider using it. What Concepts and Algorithms does it use? Give an introduction into Cypher and explain the most important cypher commands with examples. Compare qeury times against sql.

Where do you see the use of Big Data and algorithms leading us in business management?

Quantitative Methods 1.) Simply, deceptively simple, what can we learn from the history presented by LePore? 2.) Given the arc of that history, and where we are now (Wylie and O’Neil), where do you see the use of Big Data and algorithms leading us in business management? 3.) As a society?

Discuss how predictive analytics can avoid some of the related myths and blunders discussed in the Talk.

Data Mining and Algorithms Assignment 1Directions: Review Application Case 4.6  “Data Mining Goes to Hollywood: Predicting Financial Success of Movies” on pages 233 – 236 in your textbook. Conduct a thorough case analysis addressing the questions for discussion.Important information:Answers should be thorough and complete.Refer to the assignment rubric located in the syllabus for grading criteria. […]

Design a method named find_shortest_pathto find the shortest pathfrom a given word(say fromword)to another givenword(say toword) on the largest module.For example, you are required to find the shortest paths from “money” to “future”, from “village” to “city”, from “bad” to “good”, from “problem” to “opportunity”, respectively. You are required to implement and apply the unweightedBFSmethodand Dijkstra’salgorithms, respectively. Print the paths (in a sequence of words) on screen, and reported them in the PDF file. You should also report whether the results from the two algorithms are different.

1. Define aclass named WordNetto represent an undirected graph withattribute variables such as words(an array of words/strings), vectors(an N by M matrix/array), A(the binary adjacency matrix), W(the weighted adjacency matrix), N(number of words), and other auxiliary variables. (5marks) 2. Within the class, define a method named read_datawhich reads the text file(wordvector.txt)given with this assignment. In […]

Compare the pros and cons of all algorithms, and the statists of recognition accuracy, also, make a table

Paper detalis: Descriptive paragraphs are needed in a section called FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION ALGORITMS, it should contain the following: From the literature: mention the most used algorithms in fingerprint recognition system followed by comparison between them;( make a table). And reference them. What I’m asked to do after mentioning the used algorithms is I must add […]