How is the author/poet/artist/sculptor attempting to memorialize the war? W

WW1 and Memory The paper should follow this basic outline: I. Introduction: Provide the name of work/object/memoir and some background into the author/artist who completed it. What is he/she’s connection to the war? What country are they from? Where did they serve? How long did they serve? II. Description of the object or summary of […]

What is the picture of the ‘point’ of human life implicit in Marx’s discussion of “alienation”, and how does this picture contrast with the views of Epicurus? Explain which of the two views you find more plausible and why.

What is the picture of the ‘point’ of human life implicit in Marx’s discussion of “alienation”, and how does this picture contrast with the views of Epicurus? Explain which of the two views you find more plausible and why.